Weak b——
“he could not go forward without her consent”
Weak b——
“he could not go forward without her consent”
I agree. People think fame is glorious but it messes people up royally... its traumatic.
You must have missed the time that she was found with coke in her pants and she blamed it on “the black kid” who was with her, i believe she had actually technically kidnapped him (google it, im not joking).
Who transcribed this? Lots of errors. Did he really say “salem” instead of “seldom” ?
That is precisely how I interpreted it too. You dont have to listen to non republicans, essentially.
That’s it right. HOW is she closed off from them? She can still do them. Just because someone publicly insulted her with an insult that hit too close to home, she now says she is closed off? Oh honey, people have been publicly insulting you for a while... People have been publicly insulting your husband for a long…
Yeah, I’m the same. I mean, I still do not believe that anyone deserves spousal abuse, I don’t believe she deserves it. But... my sympathy for her is kind of going dry.
I don’t know how she could successfully argue that THAT is what has prevented her from launching a brand. I mean, people thinking she used to escort is the least of her worries.
YAAAAS “kellyannes” is perfect.
America is not really ‘slowly’ slipping into fascism. It’s been half-way there for some time, teetering on the edge - the biggest difference is that white people are affected now.
Your screen name is everything to me.
That would be so sweet. So, so, so, so sweet.
Civil forfeiture laws like this have been happening for decades. It is absolutely horrific... and will most likely get worse under Trump, since he has such a boner for law enforcement.
100% yes.
Hey Lua, girl. I have empathy for you. Noone deserves abuse. I have enough empathy for celebs and plebs.
I didnt miss it, i just dont really understand what youre trying to get at.
Sweets... you may not have signs at sports games asking ppl not to be racist, it does not mean people are not racist. Maybe u should have signs... and you want to talk prison conditions? Ever heard of the free Alabama movement? Prison conditions in the US are real bad... real.bad. in fact, have u heard of the public…
Grrr. This gets to me. “What if the baby you just aborted was the next president?” ... and what if it was a demon spawn serial killing racist rapist terrorist? WHAT IF?
Yes. Lets just start referring to “pro lifers” as anti choicers. Please? Lets just all start doing that, because that is what they are. No point dillydalling around truth, even if that is the trend now.
You know what? NO. F-CK OFF. I am so sick of these losers who think the right to life should come before personal autonomy. Anyone who advocates for this better have adopted children or shut the fck up because we have far too many children without parents in the world. If the right to life is so fkn important then…