Miss Vi Vi Rodriguez

Honestly, folks, everyone knows that you post a YouTube link to a Lonely Island video post-coitus.

The logical endpoint of "pics or it didn't happen," I guess.

Nailed it. My first thought when I saw the uproar was "Nobody flips out this badly over emaciated images and video of emaciated kids in Africa... why is this different?" And then I realized - we're not subjected to images of emaciated blonde haired, white kids from Texas. It shouldn't be different, but to some

List of things in the world that are perfect:

As a child who was beaten, I wish there had been photos taken of me as proof. I have had many people in my life (close family and friends) who disbelieved what had happened to me because my dad seemed like such a "good guy". I think it needs to been shown what people do to their kids. His face isn't shown, he is

I don't understand people complaining about this. Images of starving children with their faces showing are used all the time to compel people to donate to programs. They choose to use them because actually seeing a starving child, who's skeletal structure is visible, is much more moving than reading about one.

As much as it is horrifying to see a picture of the child (whose identity is not revealed); it brings home that this is what child abuse looks like. It makes it real, and shows the child so suffering. In a culture in which we generally only see mugshots of the abusers, it might be helpful to demonstrate the real

I keep going back to what it must be like for that teenager to have to try to find the strength to speak up and fight back in that situation. He was literally fist fighting his stepfather when cops showed up.

Give that teenage so many medals!

But you need a license to catch a fish. —my friend Bill

First-world problems, yo. The more important thing is that they're learning to use their voices collectively.

She takes a lot of truths and puts the lie in the middle so when people talk to her they see all these truths and then they believe the lie

I was an upper middle class suburban kid in the mid 80's so maybe I'm filtering thru my own biased lens, but this closing remark seems to add some snark to what is actually an otherwise pretty cool story.

My fav was at Refinery29, but was also the most devastating. I wanted to go so badly.

Yes, they should relish having morons be rude to them and treat them like they're the stupid ones. Did you actually read any of the stories? Because I find it hard to believe anyone who had would say that they depicted "diversity" that should be cherished. Being tolerant doesn't mean you're not allowed to acknowledge

The instant a customer lays a finger on an employee in anger like that, all bets are off. Someone did that to me ONCE when I was working in the Apple Store and my managers (who didn't even like me all that much) went apeshit on him. It's just not acceptable.

Me: "Hello sir. I gather that there's been a problem with your order. Can I help?"

Five times a shift! Every damn night! They call, you get their delivery info, "so what kind of pizza would you like?" "Hang on. *muffled* hey, guys! Whadda we want? *fifteen minute arguement*

These are my favorite kinds of customer stories, because not even the kindest soul could think that the customers are right in these situations.

Does everyone else have experience with cats that are way more chill than the cats I've met? Because if I tried to put any cat I've known in purse, they would have flipped the fuck out.