Miss Vi Vi Rodriguez

YES. In N Out...AND WEED. There's a franchise I would buy into.

I'm right there with you. I have such a fear of elevators, especially the shiny, metal ones...I repeatedly have nightmares about getting stuck, plunging, suffocating and all other horrible deaths that occur in elevators.

Awful and terrifying.

Nichelle! She was one of my favorite dolls ever.

Haha! I'm a HUGE fan of the show because...IT'S A FUCKING COMEDY. I don't understand how we're on season 3 and people don't get it! It's supposed to be funny, people!

My mom is seriously a living Linda...and it's fucking hilariously awesome.

NO. Ducky was pathetic and creepy. Ugh.

Go, girl! Kick his lazy ass to the curb.

1. I'd love to know what the lyrics are to this song.

WOW. Nope, I was NOT flattered, I was disgusted, uncomfortable and unsettled. I trusted this man as a professional, who was there to help me deal with my issues, not make unwanted, sexual advances DURING A THERAPY SESSION.

What an asshole. UGH. I am so sorry that happened to you. I, too, only see female professionals now.

Yes, he really did not believe me.


Best damn day of my life!

I had tiny blood-soaked origami owl floating in my Divacup.

God, I truly hate American apparel.


So today after being really fed up with the shitty ways men treat women, I wrote a blog about it, asking men to knock that shit off. I posted to FB. I guy I do not want to go out with went ape-shit crazy and started accusing me of hating men...blahblahblah. I'm like, yeah dude, this is why I won't go out with you.

Well shit. I'm an index texter. I am 27. I feel old.

My dream is that hand written letters will make a comeback.