Yes and I wanna make it clearer that obv white women can be sexist while preserving the male status quo. not ignoring that all these things are linked. Just as far as the main demon...white male supremacy drives it all
Yes and I wanna make it clearer that obv white women can be sexist while preserving the male status quo. not ignoring that all these things are linked. Just as far as the main demon...white male supremacy drives it all
I’m having a similar feeling because I looked at the precinct results on the door of my son’s school today and saw that Trump beat Hillary 2 to 1 in both precincts. Who are these people?
*hugs* There are still many that will fight for you too. I’m sorry you have to experience any of this.
We don’t hate you. I’m so sorry you would even have to think that for a second.
Ha, thank you! I like you too.
This white person likes you 😉
Awww, honey. They don’t hate you, they hate themselves. They say they hate you, they might even make themselves believe it, but really they’re too gutless to face their own demons (surely you can see that Trump is a damaged man). I know that’s cold comfort, and I know it doesn’t do a damn thing to change how their…
Comey testified under oath in July of this year that he had been registered as a Republican for his entire adult life until this past summer. Nice try at spreading lies, though, comrade.
What bullshit.
Hmm, that source.........
I don’t know about “google,” but I’m a lawyer and I can make a good case the FBI director falls well within those intended by the Hatch Act.
There is. The middle ground is exactly what they did with CJ today. Neglect? He was bought off the field, examined, and deemed okay to play. That’s the middle ground.
You know there might be a middle ground between intentional neglect and complete over-reaction.
That’s when you go to your wife and say “Nice try sweetie.”
Have you tried setting the plane on fire to speed up the process?
Exactly also I love your name. My wife calls me her little raccoon because I’m small, well I was small, but I can get feisty and loud like the raccoon mama we have in the neighborhood.
I got something similar only it was about my wife cheating on me. It was very elaborate with so-called “proof” that included photos of her and this other guy and text messages exchanged between them and stuff. The weirdest part about the scam was that they didn’t even ask for money, just some made up claim of “I’d…
“an American Airlines flight caught fire Friday, causing passengers to evacuate on the runway” Oh, I KNOW I would have!
I was on a plane taking off at LGA (heading to O’Hare, on American! - conspiracy!) and we lost an entire wheel off the landing gear - they aborted take-off and we came down HARD, and managed to stop because of those same buffer things that (unfortunately) stopped Pence’s plane from skidding completely off the runway…
Can someone please explain to me the thought process behind the folks who switched from pro-Bernie to pro-Johnson?