
That’s amazing. When I had lash extensions (which I looooved) and people complimented them, I would proudly proclaim “THANKS! THEY’RE FAKE!!”

Cannot stand Trevor Noah after I saw his anti-semetic, sexist, and fat-shaming Twitter history. What a smarmy little cunt, really.

I think his biggest problem is that he is a South African, who lived a very South African life, and then he came to America. Yes, he pulled big numbers and he had some Internet success with his comedy, but now he is on a show that was very much tied to it’s domestic (to the US) politics.

She is on point and angry. I like that about her.

Not going to lie, the relative failure of the Daily Show under Trevor Noah also brings me glee. Samantha Bee is pulling in double what he is, and I love it.

She’s better unhinged and crazy. Her husband was a perfect daily show correspondent, Douchey and arrogant work well in that role.

Still though, it really hurts my personal faith in her as a candidate. I’ve been trying for the last several months to psych myself into being excited for her as the nominee, but she keeps doing things that bother me, and her doing any thing as Secretary of State that can be described as “enormously stupid” is a big

agreed. also, the government has got to get its shit in order with regards to cyber security. it seems like they totally didn’t get the memo that the internet became a thing...


I’d like to think that multiple suicide attempts would count as an attempt on someone’s life, even if it is her own. But for a moment I forgot about Reagan dismantling the mental health care system in this country.

Do you have ANY idea what a ridiculous statement that is? It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to have someone “committed”these days, (and has been since the 1960s.) Unless they’re walking around with their head spinning 24/7 & routinely threatening people’s lives *in the presence of police* - GOOD LUCK with that!!

I get it though, because apparently she threatened suicide, amongst other things, as a method to control the family. Maybe he should have left her years ago. I don’t know that I can blame him for all eternity for losing his cool on this occasion.

I’ve just decided that it’s easier to go no contact. Even just a phone call with my mother is exhausting let alone going over for Sunday dinner which is verbally brutal and destructive to my esteem. Narcissistic parents like that don’t realize, or very much care, about how much damage they cause to their children.


I suspect that he said that because she had spent years making that threat and he just couldn't take it anymore.

I feel like maybe you’ve never had to deal with a mentally ill person. You can’t always calm them. It’s not like a kid who scraped their knee.

I think what blows my mind is there is nothing children or spouses can really do when they have an abusive or unstable adult in the household. Mentally unstable/emotionally abusive people are pros at making everything look normal to the public.

Credentials: growing up in a household where we’ve spent years trying to

Everyone on here is making judgement and opinions based on what they read in an article. Welcome to an internet forum. And no thanks on the fucking.

Yeah, fuck the guy whose wife murdered his children just to spite him. He’s probably an asshole and not deserving at all of any sympathy.

I’m as liberal as they come...but chick was practicing her responses beforehand. That shows forethought that she knew what she was doing was wrong.

“He sent the message at 6:25 p.m., then told his mother he was leaving the house to visit a friend and not to expect him home for dinner. He made a short drive to a remote corner of the Fairhaven Kmart parking lot. At 6:28 p.m., he called Carter and talked to her for 43 minutes. At 7:12, she called him. The call