Miss Two Sense

I literally don’t understand why people enjoy The Social Network. It’s barely even a story, let alone a compelling or well told one.

I don’t know if I would go that far, but yeah, this cover is surprisingly fucking excellent. Well, maybe not that surprising since I’ve been more exposed to Reznor’s movie score work this year and he has a goddamned gift for it.

I just discovered this book series this year and sweet lord, do I fucking love it. The outfits are super specific and well described too. (And hot. So hot.)

I absolutely can picture the exact sketch you’re talking about.

It is literally the least interesting storytelling choice they could have made here.

Jokes on you, I both love and loathe her.

This is a pretty bold move to slam one of the most important and influential American writers of all time just to try and promote your own shit. (Yes bro, it is bliiiiiindingly obvious that that is your own book. You’ve posted it elsewhere on Kinja before. Can’t you even, like, get a family member or something to give

So apparently you do care about the height stuff.

Oh man, I totally forgot about that. For SURE casting Einhorn again would have made sense and also been a neat gimmick. Plus, he’s just a really great comedic actor, so it’s not like he wouldn’t have fit in well. (I love love love The Magicians as well.)

Go watch Bottoms. It’s available to rent now. It’s so funny and strange, and Ayo Edibiri is just goddamn incredible. She just oozes charisma. 

Oh man, may I please formally invite you to fuck off and never post here again, you blatantly racist waste of skin cells.

Is the overt syncing of sound effects with the music in trailers a new thing or am I just noticing it for the first time? I swear, I’ve seen several recent trailers that use this effect.

Listen, times are tough, so I’m just gonna admit right now that I’d watch the shit out if that.

Your claims here seem . . . dubious.

Upload has a lot of wasted potential. Daniels seems to do better with more generalized settings that allow interesting characters to interact with each other. That just doesn’t work in shows with PLOT PLOT PLOT being the main focus.

Excuse you. The Sandra/Kevin comparison is terrible. Sandra is possibly one of my favorite characters ever to appear on tv. A middle aged woc, not conventionally attractive, but allowed to be a fully realized weirdo? She’s completely unique and the actress who plays her has incredible comedic timing. Kevin is fine but

It actually had a lot of solid writing but it could be fairly unfocused and it fell a bit into the trap of “we’re all one big happy family” workplace storytelling, which always feels disingenuous. But I do think it’s a bit underrated even for all that. Its depiction of working class people and the challenges they face

Shocking to see someone write those words after just reading that something called “Kelce” exists. How much more bottom of the barrel can they get??

I always enjoy the ones that have less polished singing.

Community should be #2. What even is this garbage website anymore.