Miss Thing 2

You know from reading this column that food service workers put up with a LOT, from bosses, co-workers and especially customers. Probably the worst part of it all though, is how dehumanizing it is. As a server, you’re a regular person with a unique personality, people who love you and hopes and dreams and feelings.

Haha, that review is amazing. I noticed there were a couple of things in the review that he managed to conveniently leave out of this post:

Judging from the killer combination of Groupon, 1-star Yelp review, and “I usually am a great tipper, but...”, it has to be a troll. Has to be.

If you hadn’t posted your inane, boring, trite story, and then defended it as not being the sort of boring, stupid story that no one is interested in, I would have had no occasion to tell you how wrong you and how dumb you look.

Mr. Trump, what an honor!

Hi Colin, I just wanted to thank you for BCO. My father-in-law passed away last Monday morning, and I spent all week making phone calls, driving people around, making arrangements, serving people, and sleeping on my living room floor. It was the week from hell. A few times each day, though, I was able to sneak away