
Unless it was the other way around...

Every episode of LAST MAN STANDING should start with Tim Allen coughing, his wife looking slightly concerned, and then moving on with the show.

I only watched the first two or three episodes of the reboot, so I’m not very invested. But that header picture is punching me in the gut in a way I didn’t expect. I grew up in a blue collar, on the suburbs like Lanford place, watching the original in the 80s. Dad a big guy like Goodman, Mom taking part time jobs like

Redemption requires acknowledging one’s errors without qualification. I caught part of an interview with her (stopped the channel flipping like there was a freeway accident) and her script was, “Yes, what I did was wrong, BUT...” She has to lose the big BUT. h/t Peewee

TV writers like to call it a trap door.  In case of contract disputes, illness, or racist/sexist/homophobic/just nutters internet rants.

There was only one time I was in serious pain that was when my back went out. Thank God my urgent care doctor did not give me opioids. 

It’s not a serious problem. The serious problem is now doctors are afraid to prescribe patients suffering from chronic pain the medication they need because a few white people died.

But I mean, isn’t that what killed her career? Overdoing it on the Ambien? I’d say it’s a perfect end. :P

It’s like the writers built in a failsafe in case of emergency.

While I’m certainly happy that America’s favorite QAnon-posting, Ambien-blaming shitbag did indeed lose her cashcow, it is really a bad thing that her character dies of an opioid overdose? It’s a serious problem, and even if one person out of the 15+ million who tuned in thinks that maybe they should ask their doctors

Man Queen Sugar set me up and laid me out like vintage Mike Tyson. I thought Darla was going to tell Ralph her family was related to the Landry family. My heart sank when she hit Ralph with the Billie Jean. My mind went to what if Mrs SS93 told me my boys weren’t mine. I was a mess after that.

I’m white and got gentrified right out of where I grew up in Florida by more ridiculously affluent white people. They turned the park where everyone would play into some foam covered, lawyer safe contraption that always had far less kids on it versus the simple soccer field it replaced. Dog parks and anything with

Queens is the single most diverse county in America. There is someone from every country on Earth in Queens.

The show cut the valonquar part of the prophecy, so there’s no reason to expect that to be what kills her.

I object to your use of the word “cunt” in this context.

That’s always my issue with him too, he can’t plead ignorance and he knows this. So he claims to be powerless, when really he has the most access to her and could’ve ended everyone’s misery by taking her out in her sleep. Jaime being shocked at the end when Cersei came for him was infuriating and I felt the same way

I thought Sansa figured it out when she ended at Arya would be lady of winterfell. Arya has never wanted to be a lady.