Tina Allan

I agree. My niece is biracial and it means a lot to her to see Iris on The Flash and Abbie on Sleepy Hollow (she's not old enough to watch Scandal). So representation IS important. We have hundreds of white people to chose from for representation. We don't even have to think about it. POC have very few in mainstream

BC JLM (Joe) is not the love interest for the super hero, Candice (Iris) is. When Candice was first cast as Iris their were calls for her to be recast with a white actress & some fans wanted Barry Allen to be paired with Caitlin Snow bc Iris was black. This started before the show aired it's first episode. And many

Curious to know what you think of Daniel P acting.

Yes to all of this! Iris has been the most relatable character on the show!
And she is no damsel in distress! She has been her own hero in every situation or contributed to her rescue and saved the lives of others in the process! I actually get angry reading some of the comments bc it seems people want to hate her so

Her 'acting' has been very good. Far better than some on the show who get a pass for really bad acting. There was a blaringly bad scene in the last episode when a character got whammied, and yet the bad acting was not mentioned.
Iris gets a triple slam because she is a female on a cw show, the love interest on a cw

I'm glad it was the last issue for you, but it was the main issue for many when Candice was first cast to play Iris. Immediately there were calls for her to be re-cast and some began to call for Barry Allen to be paired with Caitlin Snow as a love interest. So this was before the first episode aired.
Candice has shown

The fact that her dad, Barry and Eddie are all cops is exactly why she knew the lie was not work related. She knew it was more personal and wasn't buying the BS. And what's crazy is we all know she was right! Yet you still judge the character for not believing the lie?

Sorry didn't mean to comment to you directly. It was more to the point of the OP and all the responses. I like all the characters too. The hate is mind boggling.

It's also Canon for Barry & Iris in the comics. His focus on her drives him and keeps him from giving in to the Speed Force.

BC she's right! Had she known they would not have been on a bridge taking a "stroll". They were exposed and vulnerable BC Joe wanted Iris away from STAR Labs and the 'danger'. And that's when RF got Eddie. Had she known she was in danger she could have been with the group or at least tried to find a safe hideaway.

Pt 3: Anyway, agree w most of what you said, just wanted to show how Telling her could have kept her & Eddie safe. Still not sure why he took her on a stroll SMH

Pt 2: She's the only one of the bunch who proved she could rescue herself
& everyone else when in a dangerous situation, w/o the technology or
super powers. When she has a grasp of what her situation is, she can handle herself. Trickster, Gird, Clock King

I think bc she would not have been out on a bridge for a stroll with Eddie for one. If I knew the RF was after me I would be finding a safe place to hide, or stay with the ret of the gang for protection instead of being out & about.
Also mason was killed bc he was investigating Wells/Thawne. Iris was hot on his

Her reveal made the most sense next to Joes. The worst were Eddie, Capt Cold and Ray.
Most fans are glad she knows & glad that the upset Iris was dealt with in one episode instead of ignored (which would make no sense) or dragged out for 4 episodes like the male BFF on DareDevil. (Which by the way… when It's a guy bff

But she's right. Had she known about the Reverse Flash she could have prepared. It's hated bc she's a female character. When a male character gets mad at his male super heroe BFF *Caughs Daredevil*, it's fine. But Iris being upset in 1 episode is frustrating. SMH