Mr Rogers

Why on earth do people still pay this much for cell phone service? Verizon is the worst!

Detroit has some of the most traveled sections of expressways in the country, with huge volumes of traffic running through it on a daily basis. Yet the population within the city is relatively low. This particular method is extremely flawed.

I don’t think thermostat commands are are as simple as “Alexa, turn the heat up to 72.” I believe you have to indicate the name of the thermostat and use more specific wording. ex: Alexa set main floor to 72 degrees.” I would love for it to be more flexible. And be able to set it to comfort settings like Away or Night

I wish someone would file my taxes for me.

The marginal increase in APR over a high yield savings account is not worth having my money tied up in a CD — even in a ladder setup.

have you tried mega.nz? 50GB for free. decent interface.

I murdered them. They’re dead now. Dead and quiet.