In Ellie’s defense, one needs a soul to be able to properly comprehend this “friendship” of which you speak. For us gingers, colleague is as close as you’ll get to affection.
In Ellie’s defense, one needs a soul to be able to properly comprehend this “friendship” of which you speak. For us gingers, colleague is as close as you’ll get to affection.
Typical Candy, always stirring up drama!
Unfortunately, BMI isn’t a very good measurement for health. I’m 5'8" and fluctuate between weighing 115-120 lbs, but have never been able to get above 120 (not complaining, just saying). My doctor and I agree I’m quite healthy. I think I’m an outlier though for sure and this guy is a moron.
According to the NHS BMI calculator, 120lbs for a 5'7 woman is only two pounds inside of the healthy weight range - so yeah, a 120lb 5'7 woman is about as thin as she can get without being medically underweight.
(This is assuming my maths is right, it’s been a long day)
Agreed - this reminds me of people who think high-status careers make someone worthy or better than others. No, you’re not better- you simply have a high-status career, but can still be a crap person.
You’re assuming she wasn’t one all along. I wouldn’t put it past his defense attorney to say that she was in on the murder, or was even the mastermind. It’s possible.
Ahhh ... this sounds like my mom and her opinion of the Preppie Murderer.
I have a great story that I can’t really tell in detail, but the punchline is an amazing, charitable, smart, successful, well known woman, after being treated dismissively by Donald, turning to him and saying “I knew your father. He was a lovely man. You are nothing like him. You’re a rude, odious man. He would be…
o brother could have been written with a black lead since it was about a man eluding authorities, the kkk and a sentence on the chain gang, who got a group together to sing a bluesy song, and one of the members was based on a legend of a black blues man who made a deal with the devil. might have been an interesting…
I was just having a version of this conversation with my daughter, focusing on entitlement. A guy she is just friends with likes her and she let him down easily (she’s so sweet, she’s had to let down a few and does it with compassion beyond her years) and some people were giving her grief about it, especially the…
Yep, but it was your fault your house got robbed! Aww, is a few swear words making you clutch your pearls? Go take up with the chiefs, they also think it was your fault your house got robbed. (This is sarcasm of course, to illustrate your exact line of thinking).
No one thinks anyone the trust and care about would do this. But the list of things people think that and then find out they are wrong about is long. Joint bank accounts, marriage, buying houses, having children for instance. All of us react differently to that list. But unless we are the most independent people ever…
Um, I had a blueberry scone share pics of my chocolate chips to his raspberry mates. But #notallscones though.
Blueberry scones do not deserve this sort of maligning.
I like to treat myself to a “Sorry Men Suck” cake every Wednesday. Also known as just “cake”.
I have felt exactly this in relationships. I am expected to dissect myself for them before they even commit. Shit does not make sense bruh.
Thank you! That’s almost exactly what I said in a comment upthread.
Yes! Thank you! When he said, “How is that supposed to make me feel?!?” instead of asking her about what SHE was feeling that caused her to do that, I wanted to punch him in the face. What a douche.
Why aren’t more people concerned about child molestation? Animal abuse? Starvation? Cancer? Anti-vaxxers? Nuclear bombs? 500 Days of Kristin?
last night when he finally pulled her aside and then pouted "Jubilee, I just tried to hold your hand and you pulled it away, how is that supposed to make me feel??”, my boyfriend was like “uhhh, dude, you don't own these women!!!” at the tv. #keeper