
You're not picking up what they are putting down about Dougie and aging.

McLachlan's doing Oscar-level work being intellectually impaired. I worked with the developmentally disabled for years. Welcome and unwelcome memories surprise me, from that time and those unfortunate folks, whenever I watch Dougie's copacetic reactions and hear his monosyllabic responses. This is what they feel

I saw Godspeed the night Bush declared war on Iraq. The singer interrogated the crowd (Columbia, MO). it was a dark night and an aggressive show. Anybody else in attendance?

I'm playing through Zelda 2 right now, but using a PSP running Roms. No fucking way is that game playable without rewind and save states. Losing your third life and reverting to the first castle? Sadistic!

Perhaps someone smarter than myself can run with the thesis that Trump has ended satire. Poe's Law becoming real or something

'Big Love' was surprising Lynchian towards its end- dirtroad creeps, suburban facades, which is which? Don't think Berger qualifies, don't think the obviousness qualifies.

Mean Girls was alright, but the prequel, starring Sinbad- comic gold. Everybody remembers that, from the early 90's

I saw the only Kansas City appearance that she's made, opening for Live on their '95 tour, at Sandstone. No one was there, I walked through the bleachers and stood at the stage. "C'mon Billy" was just released as a single but wasn't played. The bass from "Down by the Water" was ear-splitting. A real formative

I had two friends, brothers, who would play a sports game and when one of them would start losing, he'd just wind up and sock the other one. In the cranium, somewhere. It was tense, NES at their place

2016 killed satire, too.

Is this is when any mention of 'media' or 'press' was implied to be 'left-wing' started? That's just incredible spin, magic, euphemism, propaganda. I came of age during Clinton and noticed Gingrich etc. destabilizing the news and assume that's when it began, alongside AM radio being firmly, admittedly right-wing.

Do you want 'American Idiot part 2?' Because this is how you get 'American Idiot' part 2. President Sanders' administration could have plausibly inspired 'Nimrod 2,' which is where I checked out on this band


Key moment in the documentary 'Hypernormalisation;' quote not verbatim, "This is how Donald Trump defeated journalism."

How about just as 'angry and disgusted' as they were when Obama was re-elected? I accept no call to reconciliation, and will be as obstructionist as the McConnell era is/was

Ah, one of the first discussions we had around our homestead, the morning after- H-1Bs. Half the fam works in IT. This was a topic in their offices. Again, too obscure an issue for the mainstream voter, but one with real actual consequences. Midwest brain drain

"And then, earlier this year, the City of Muncie announced that it was partnering with a major regional supermarket chain to help bring a new organic grocery store to town. “A competitor wants to come here that’s one thing,” says Ring. “But to subsidise a competitor? We live here. Our profits are here. We pay our

What kind of job do you want? Are you in the right shape to fly to the border and build the wall, and be laid off
in a year? The U.S. needs nationwide skills training, and that's a Sanders platform.

We are going to get the same wars regardless of who is President.