
That part of the comment was dripping with sarcasm.

Still doing his job better than Kim Davis.

Its really not that bad. People just love to whine about something.

Operating a business in the public sphere means you agree to comply with anti-discrimination laws. Nobody forced the business owners to do that.

I'm sorry but this is bullshit. If you heard probably 99% of the pop stars these days sing live "unplugged" with no reverb or accompaniment I doubt it would be much better. Beyonce can't sing half as well. Mariah has some def vocal problems, wear and tear from all the riffing and over singing, but this is unfair

For years, readers have asked professional writers to be aware of the difference between their, they're and there, and, for the most part, their pleas went largely unheard.

Yeah, I read it there. Hale comes off horribly.

How the hell are you Team Nobody? At most, Harris used a nom de plume, and perhaps some photographs of someone else (I am going to be a little hesitant to believe Hale's assertion that she's stealing photographs of her neighbor, given the author's completely deranged pursuit of this woman.) That's it. That's all. So

So, I used to be a book blogger for YA books, popular enough that the New York Times seemed to think I had an opinion worth sharing at one point or another. And there are plenty of things I could say about how publishers rely too much on bloggers and court them too heavily. But. BUT.

From the opening paragraph I was all "Dude, just because mimosas give you heartburn now doesn't mean everybody else has to give up everything fun."'

Look, in all honesty, this is a stupid story.

You're Gawker Nostradamus.

Still waiting for the Gizmodo feature on how it happened, the Lifehacker feature on how to make sure it doesn't happen to us, the Jezebel feature on how our culture allows males to feel that they can invade any women's privacy, the Gawker feature on how 4chan heard about the leaks, along with the TMZ call to get them

Ya, I was going to type the exact same thing. Didn't think she sounded bad at all. Not studio quality (duh), but for running around on stage and singing at the same time I thought it was fine.

Was it just me, or does it not sound that bad? She went flat for a bit on the big note towards the end, but otherwise I didn't think it was terrible.

Let's face it. That woman is an employee of his, and her job happens to be having sex with him. This entire dynamic makes more sense in light of that. She has a racist boss, just like the players do. Any player who let the tape run would be praised, and I think her status as a whistleblower is just obscured by the

His separated wife is suing his new GF for all the gifts Donald has given his new GF in the 3 years he was dating her, because they are legally not divorced yet so she was saying they were purchased with family money and she should have had a decision in that. It was a fickle way to try to get any kind of revenge on

High-five to her, then.

I agree! It's not like Madonna is new to the "gay scene" for fuck's sake. Why wouldn't she be there? Didn't she earn that? In my eyes, certainly more than Queen Latifah did.