
I’ve seen lots of articles on this but my reality is if I stop exercising for a while I actually gain weight (usually about 10 pounds or so). For me at least exercise is very helpful in maintaining weight which doesn’t seem that important until you start seeing your weight get higher.

I think if he announced they’d just started dating when he was 75 and the man was 25 you may have seen more of that reaction. I remember seeing a fair amount of criticism for instance, when the young diver Tom Daley started dating Dustin Lance Black because there’s a 20 year difference between the two.

I think the fact that they’ve been together 15 years and that he’s now a 40 year business owner kind of points to the fact that maybe he’s not a gold digger unless he’s really, really into the long term gold digger plan.

I’m pretty sure we’re all voting for a candidate on what they MIGHT do genius. I’m not part of any army the same way I’m assuming you’re not part of any army because I don’t live inside a giant conspiracy where everyone who disagrees with me must be a robot taking orders from high. Perhaps that’s your world.

You do you RobertMadoo but stop pretending you just want to HEAR a reason why someone who’s a minority support Hillary Clinton when you really want to LECTURE them on how stupid they and their reasons are for supporting her and to compare them to your lofty ones.

And there you go showing your true colors—just as condescending as the Denton troll. Who the hell are you to proclaim someone’s reasons for voting invalid.

The very first response with over 500 likes gave you her REASONS for supporting Hillary. Please let’s not play victim like you had to go through oh so much to try to figure it out.

If you think that one crime bill, which she didn’t vote for but Bernie Sanders did, was responsible for all the mass incarceration of black men then you’re indeed simple minded. If you imagine that black leaders weren’t a part of the group clamoring to clean up crime in their neighborhoods and supported that bill at

The condescending tone of the so called liberal sites towards black voters is getting to be a bit much and these articles trying to find a gotcha moment is embarrassing especially as you have a Donald Trump person regularly beating up and attacking

In South Carolina the only age group that Hilary lost was the 17-29 and that was 46% to Bernie’s 54%. She won every other age demo:

If everyone hates it who are the people keeping it at number one on itunes? Logic fail. Apparently what’s said on twitter doesn’t really represent what everyone thinks.

in the press conference the DA was asked why he gave info to the prosecutor about the DNA results so apparently they did come in. They found Kane’s DNA on her shoulder and fingernails but none of his DNA was found below her waist. There wasn’t any DNA of his semen found.

The DNA evidence came back and there was no Patrick Kane DNA evidence below her waist. In addition, supposedly there was DNA from a couple other men’s semen found. It appears the mother was trying to make it look like the DNA bag was tampered with as a way of explaining why Kane’s DNA wasn’t found.

Yes, but the fact is Survivor has done this before and basically won (almost no music lawsuit goes to a jury as they’re unpredictable so settling is usually the desired outcome) and may be motivated to do it again if they’re annoyed enough.

Well they can sue again and hope that both Huckabee and Kim Davis want the lawsuit to disappear. Plus it’s not that clear cut. Per the article: “This one dealt with music over loudspeakers, not in campaign advertisements. Although Gingrich argued his ASCAP license covered the use of “Eye of the Tiger,” much

Survivor did sue Newt Gringrich who used the song in their 2012 campaign and they ended up settling out of court so apparently not only can they do sue, they’ve done it.

Cherie in her response to questions on Facebook, is clearly saying she was there. She just thought the sex was consensual.

What Cherie is saying on her facebook is that Jackie was a willing participant so she didn’t consider it rape.

Cherie Currie is making several contradicting and confusing statements on Twitter. In one of them she basically confirms the incident happened but in her mind it was consensual. Here’s a quote from her facebook in response to her fans: