We have this going on where I live.
We have this going on where I live.
You’re the best! I’m an avid Baker, but with my son grown I stopped making croissants a few years back. MrOjib likes them a lot....like a lot a lot.
Is there a recipe that you use for your croissants that you'd be willing to share?
Yasssss. I sent a screen shot of this comment to my 21 year old son.
This sounds exactly like my history. Thank you for explaining it more eloquently than I could have.
We go to MrOjib’s parents house for dinner. Last year, his stepmom’s sister, husband and adult daughter came.
I lost my daughter to suicide two years ago. Please be gentle with yourself and please reach out for help.
I did the same thing. I am now 42 with a 21 year old son.
Ugh. My younger sisters (nearly 40 years old) are twins. I’m two years older than them, and I can remember how weird they’ve always been. I love them both, but hot damn, even now that we are middle aged, there is STILL weird twin shit that happens. The older twin has no children, the younger one has three and even her…
I LOOOOOOVE carving pumpkins! MrOjib and I, are middle aged empty nesters with warped senses of humor, so two years ago we started carving penis’ on pumpkins and leaving the, on our friends doorsteps when they're not home. The rule is that they have to keep it lit until Halloween OR pass it along. Are weird as it…
Mix Candy corn and creamy peanut butter together and microwave until smooth. Let cool and top with chocolate. It's like a Butterfinger. My kids refused to eat candy corn, so every Halloween I'd sift the little packs out of their candy hoard and make this. Not bad, yo!
My youngest sister does not cook ever, at all, never. But when she absolutely has to bring a dish to pass, it's snicker salad. I love it.
This. My mother made, what my sisters and I referred to as, moat loaf. Swimming in grease and zero flavor.
Ugh. I nearly threw my iPad. Have these letter writers never had human contact before getting into customer service?
I see no problem with 20# of bacon as a gift. That couple needs their collective heads examined.
Last week was the second anniversary of my 16 year old daughter’ death by suicide. The devastation is like nothing I’ve ever known. My heart breaks for those that love Kate.
This. I am part of a couple of online Suicide survivors groups for parents, I lost my 16 year old daughter two years ago. Dylan Klebolds mother had the fucking audacity to become a member of one group. She then told us how her son had been victimized, that he was a sweet quiet young man, AND THEN TRIED RO SELL US HER…