
I, for one, would welcome our maple-syrup swilling overlords.

Well, I mean, they just legalized bare knuckle brawling in that one state, right? Don’t really have to worry about bone spurs there. So go on, go in unarmed! IT’s what the whole purpose of the fight is!

Well, he would, but y’know. Bone spurs. Otherwise he’d gladly run in there unarmed and take that guy out.

Danny Garcia’s heritage is Puerto Rican, and Vargas is Mexican. Looks like maybe the next boxer to knock out Salka would be from Haiti. Pretty much any country Trump shits on should send a boxer to beat this guy’s ass.

Not a fucking overpass, in public! That rope could have snapped and he could caused a terrible wreck that could have left many dead. Fuck autonomy. This man was a public safety risk.

This dude this near an overpass!? That rope could have snapped and he could have caused a huge accident with many fatalities. As it stands, he has caused emotional distress on these boys who saved everyone down below.

if you choose to try to kill yourself out in public (which people usually do because they want intervention and attention, not to actually die) people have the right to try to stop you from dying in front of them and traumatising them.

Maybe if “we” kill ourselves in private, hidden away from the eyes of children (and others) who do not deserve to be traumatized.

The kids are alright.

East St Louis is not, and will never be recognized as part of St Louis, Mo.

That’s not correct either, you professionals. East St Louis, IL is a completely separate entity that’s in another state from St Louis, MO.

Correction: This post originally referred to East St. Louis as a Chicago suburb. It’s a suburb of St. Louis, MO.

You’re nicer than I am. The people who say “well he should have just complied” can just shut the entire fuck up. I’m tired of their idiotic excuses as to why these cops just had to murder this man.

there’s a difference between doing something in an animated sitcom and doing it in real life

I politely, yet firmly disagree.

I know some folks who worked for Cards Against Humanity.

Feel free to encourage them. They’re pretty smart, funny people.