
Redacted — you’ve already worked this out between you, I should have read further down the thread.

Redacted — you’ve already worked this out between you, I should have read further down the thread.

Google “upskirt photography” if you’d like to understand how cameras can be rapey.

It’s a bit hamfisted, and I get how someone might feel he was making light of Prince’s death (“I’m here to tell you there’s something else: the NHL Playoffs”), but firing the guy seems excessive.

I’m just as white as you are, yet somehow I’m not seeing this bar that you do. She talked about a difficulty she faces that you don’t. That’s it. The only person who thinks you’re not allowed is you, which is ironic, since you’re the person who apparently feels that she shouldn’t be allowed to talk about the part of

The day I turned 42, seven years after my brother’s death, it broke my heart, because I never wanted to be older than my big brother. That was 13 years ago, and it still saddens me to think of.

No, your inability to commiserate has nothing to do with not being allowed to do so. It has to do with your need for people to be like you in order for you to commiserate with them. I lost my brother, too. I know that part of her pain, and I can commiserate with her about that. I can also recognize that there’s

It’s a gorgeous hairstyle, really. Clicking through and seeing it from the back, it’s even prettier than I thought it was. That stupid store doesn’t deserve that hairstyle.

I can’t see that doing any real harm, though. The only people who would be fooled by that are devoted Trump supporters, and neither Clinton nor Sanders could possibly be counting on their votes.

This is the same sort of jackass who, in 2008, was all over the Internet saying, “I will never vote for Obama, Hillary deserves the nomination, Party Unity My Ass.” That is, the sort of jackass who supports candidates more from some personal identification with them than out of a general sense of civic duty or

I think you can recognize the political reality of that, and still find this distasteful. For example, I do. For all that I understand that this is how the game is played, the game itself is pretty disgusting.

I’m a Sanders supporter, and I feel the same way. Every time I hear a Sanders supporter say they’d never vote for Clinton, I want to scream. Yes, I’d much prefer Sanders to get the nomination, but anyone who learned nothing from what happened in 2000 should just shut the fuck up forever. I mean, hey, look how well

It’s of a piece with his animosity toward Obama. He’s infuriated by criticism from people from whom he expects deference due to what he consciously or unconsciously considers to be their inherent inferiority. He can’t abide it, and he can’t stop trying to put them in their place.

Because we don’t really have a problem with what they do, we just want to be the ones who are doing it, not the ones it’s done to. Right?

Sounds like an updated version of life in the State of Nature.

Because I am a Pollyanna, I am going to pretend that he was the dad of the kid who dropped his own ball, and just wanted to make sure it didn’t get lost.

Because that’s all she was, a d-list celebrity, not a professional sports journalist at the top of her field. Allrighty, then.

“Prove you’re not guilty by allowing us to cash in on your trauma.”

Well, yes, forcing her would be the issue. Also, I’m pretty sure everyone didn’t believe that, and that those who did would have been much less credulous had her network actually stood up for her, rather than treating her as if she were guilty until proven innocent.

You know what else would have boosted her credibility? A strong show of support from the people who knew her.