
So you’re trying to claim that the only people who’ve used “bad tactics” are the anti-GG people? Seriously?

That explanation is the most mealymouthed, victim-blaming piece of horseshit I’ve seen in a while. You know what compromises a marketplace of ideas? When you reward people who threaten violence by silencing the people they’re threatening.

Or maybe she has no problem at all, except the knowledge that her husband literally doesn’t give a fuck whether or not she has any desire to have sex with him, and believes he has the right to force her to do so whether she wants it or not. That would pretty much turn me off forever, no further explanation necessary.

I think the photoshopped banners are meant as commentary, not as an accurate representation, although it would have made more sense to have put them last, rather than first.

Because that’s what the problem was. Not what the words were, but that they hadn’t appeared in the program. Here’s a tip: if the borderline racist comment is so dispensable that the scene it’s in gets edited out, it should never have been the title of the episode in the first place. Yeesh.

“I always grew up with the understanding that some people have kids in less than fully intended situations and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Something similar happened to me last night on Gawker. Ah, Kinja, your mysteries are manifold.

I have an evil sense of humor. I have been known to laugh at jokes connected with sensitive topics. But they’re not based on “Ha ha ha this guy is stalking his ex, whom he has brutalized in the past, and physically attacking anyone whom she chooses to be with because obviously she’s still his property, what a laugh

How dare you joke about a serious matter like basketball coaching.

Thank you for having a shred of a clue. Actually, you have the whole clue, but a shred of one would be sufficient for anyone to know how fucked up this is.

Ever since I realized how much waste Swiffers cause, I couldn’t justify using them. I am now a HUGE Shark fan.

Keep an eye out for buses when crossing the street. This is my sage advice.

Oh. Well, yes, another strategy would be to focus on surviving long enough to have the problem you’re worrying about.

Well, check out the response from someone who had success with using a hair loss treatment.

I wish this surprised me. It makes me angry, but it doesn’t surprise me. Gah.

Oh, thanks, but it’s not so bad that I care enough about it to take corrective measures. It was pretty thick to start with, so its being thinner isn’t too big a deal. Plus I’m leery of hormones, as I tend to react badly to them. I do appreciate the info, though, and will tuck it away for possible future reference.

Now they tell me. I wore my hair long for most of my life, and frequently kept it in a tight ponytail or a bun. My hair started thinning noticeably five or six years ago. While I do think that’s mainly due to standard menopausal hair loss, now I’m thinking that pulling it back so much probably didn’t help any.

Now playing

Yeah, I try to be kind, but then I remember this, and it sets my teeth on edge all over again.

Yeah, his wife died in 1991. As much as I admire his having curtailed his career at that time to focus on his children, I don’t think that has any bearing on his career choices now.

“Not once did I say anything homophobic.”