
The random selection for screening happens (as far as I’m aware) at check-in, not when the ticket is issued. There is a code (as mentioned above, SSSS) that is assigned randomly at check-in: the TSA agents working the lines have no control over that.

Diana, your writing on this site has been brilliant: you craft stories in a way that they become unforgettable. I’ve lurked here (and on sister/brother sites) for well over a decade, and while I’ve never really commented, I’ve read just about everything that you and your colleagues have written. I think that work you

I’m betting that it’s a bankruptcy hedge. I believe that FL bankruptcy law would allow him to keep Mar-a-Lago (I don’t think it’s an accident that he tweeted that it was becoming his “primary residence”). NY bankruptcy law would only protect $150k of whatever gold-plated hellhole he happens to own in NYC the next time

I’ve been lurking on Gawker sites since LolCait was a commenter (who later became known as the sublime writer Richard Lawson). And I’ve been here daily for YEARS contributing to page views and time spent on pages to an extent that would horrify my employer and delight any sane advertiser.

I’m not a bankruptcy lawyer (and I’m in the greys, so it’s likely this theory will remain forever hidden), but Florida’s homestead exemption under bankruptcy law protects a primary residence of unlimited value if the person has been a FL resident for 40 months, whereas NY only protects primary residence equity of

This is as beautifully written as it is heartbreaking. What a lovely tribute to a complicated and messy relationship with someone who was clearly brilliant and troubled. I’m so sorry that you and your family have had to go through such pain, and that your brother wasn’t able to understand and accept your love.