Miss Moneypenny

Ruxin: "Ah, you're gonna make your nut on people's nuts."

Mac: "Yes, in a lot of ways this is a love story between two men."

I know, right?! Charles can do anything!

I've been a fan of this show for quite some time and it was nice to see their rock opera. Question: Is Charles gone? Like gone gone? He just drifted off into the distance. I needs more CFO and Dr. Rockso.


I really want Carol and Darryl to bone before she loses her shit and kills herself. She's been low-key suicidal for a while.

"Predictions", huh?

Yes, I am going to girl out for a brief moment, but Allison Janney's dress and accompanying earrings at the anniversary party were FABULOUS!

Seeing Dennis and Mac sway sensually makes me think that they've had sex before. The way Dennis turns away right as Dee walks into the room is a little too perfectly timed to be a coincidence.

The Gang singing More Than Words was my favorite harmonizing bit they've done.

I liked the episode. Wouldn't say it was my favorite this season, but hearing Dennis' repeated use of "Not too hard…not too soft" is something I could listen to all day, plus if we've learned anything from the varying degrees of sickness the gang displayed, we learned that Dennis is the biggest alcoholic in the gang.

Hmm, I wonder will Rick kill Herschel. Since Herschel is sort of his conscience, once Rick loses it (which we all know he will), will he get tired of having Herschel bring him back from the brink of madness and just blow his brains out?

Groban loves his ladies to pop.

I cried laughing seeing Ruxin working at Taco's food truck and telling the guy he drank the Three Penis wine coolers and has had an erection all day. Then for the guy to order one. Great.

Now I look forward to Dennis Day. Kinda hoping to see some Buffalo Bill action or skin lampshades with excessive dieting.

"Because of the implication." was how I got my brother interested in the show.

I enjoyed the way Dennis and Mac kept saying "You just got GOT. We don't get got, WE GON GET!" and of course Charlie's hilarious Frank impersonation.


When Dee and Dennis are on the same side, it's usually not going to go well for the rest of the gang.

I completely forgot about that picture, but the "Charlie Got Molested" episode is what prompted the question.