Miss Moneypenny

Forgot to mention the fucked up treatment Andre gets from his own parents. That probably sealed Andre's fate with the rest of his "friends".

Anybody else notice the picture of the kid the lawyer was holding up?

I thought that was pretty brilliant.

"What?! You only have ONE penii? Let me see it."
"See with your eyes, not with your mouth."
"I'll see your penii with your mouth and I'll raise you with my hand."
"Ante up!"

One of several issues I had with the roast was that there wasn't even a single nod to Sarah Silverman's heaving bosom. Not one.

Since you brought it up, I would love to see an episode where Stan as Walt, Wendy as Skyler, Bebe as Marie, Kyle as Hank, Cartman as Todd, Kenny as Jesse, Ike as Mike, Randy as Gomez, but who would be Walt Jr??????

It seems as though everyone's forgotten the brutal beating Hank bestowed upon Jesse days before he himself was wheeled into the hospital from the shootout with the Cousins. Jesse has the upper hand and I don't see him playing in Hank's favor. If anything, Jesse will feed him shit intel, go to Walt's house, find the

I really enjoyed seeing the softer side of Fry's mom. She always came across as a woman who valued sports of any kind over her children and tonight we got a chance to see that wasn't the case. Kudos to the writers for that.

I agree, except I'm excited about the next season of Game of Thrones. It seems to be the only show on HBO that has a grasp on the multiple storylines.

YESS!!! I mean Luna (remember Luna, Sam?) hasn't been dead but two weeks and already Sam's professing his love to Nicole, who's story should've died when her friends did. I mean is Sam that hard pressed for a warm body in his bed?

Loved hearing Sean Lennon's "Dead Meat" in the credits. Oh and loving Eric this season. He's gettin shit DONE!!!

Hmm…I guess I would want my funeral to begin with something a bit somber or trippy like "Where Is My Mind?" by The Pixies or "Goodbye Horses" by Q Lazarus or perhaps "In A Sentimental Mood" by Duke Ellington.

Aristotle? Bitch.

Aristotle? Bitch.

