Can we really say they were that concerned with her dignity when they tried to lasso her off a truck? Like a cow?
Can we really say they were that concerned with her dignity when they tried to lasso her off a truck? Like a cow?
I, for one, quite enjoy Illuminati kale. Especially with bacon.
Nice dude, now when your dead wife’s name is brought up instead of remembering her bravery and sacrifice people will say “oh, she’s the woman whose douche bag husband returned her award”. Great job making it all about your opinion.
I have to know what they did, I imagine it’s something like the nephew that didn’t send a birthday card or the daughter that married a damn hippie. Either way shredding money is totally gangster - I kind of love her.
My mother agreed to buy me JNCOs in the late 90s because “they make your waist look so small!”. I also landed a cute boy, but alas he smoked too much weed and dropped out of high school, never to be heard from again.
Go ahead Mike, go ahead.
It’s like every store in the world heard about the Delia’s relaunch, grabbed a catalog from 1991 and pulled out the three ugliest pieces and then made them WORSE. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Delia’s... when I was 13.
Sorry Dave, the answer’s no.