Wow you must never go on tumblr or twitter or Facebook or leave your house.
Wow you must never go on tumblr or twitter or Facebook or leave your house.
Cause it's a pain in the ass to type out Lara Jean Chorostecki on my phone. I even know how to pronounce it. It's CORE-oh-stecki not CHORE. You're welcome 😜
I'm not replying any more than this cause clearly you didn't understand my first comment and I don't have the time or the crayons to draw it out for you.
There's no more racism and misogyny in the United States than SJWS invent so they can throw tantrums about nothing. If you are in the first world shut your mouth about any sort of oppression.
I know! I really only tuned into the show cause I love the actress that played Beth. She's magnificent. She finally lands a great and important role. I was hoping for some great story arch where she'd go rogue on him cause he clearly didn't want to follow orders and just took over herself or well just anything more…