Miss Misanthropist

You were the one who brought up women first then you said men have rape fantasies too. Did you mean about raping women or being raped? because I doubt you meant the latter. You made this a gendered issue and are back peddling. Holy crap this is why I hate social justice morons. Lemme guess you probably also support

There is no correlation between fiction and fictional art like this and actual rape.

Rape fantasies have far more to do with male dominance than actual rape. Further more a fantasy isn't real and if a woman WANTS that to happen it isn't rape. Rape hinges on the whole "Lack of consent" part and if a woman is fantasizing about rape she's CHOOSING to do it and it isn't actually rape, it's people like you

Look up the word fantasy, read the definition, and realize there is nothing wrong with it. Then shut up.