
People are calling Maher and that other guy racist. Maher has a history of dating Black women and Milo dates Black men. Are they racist or just self centered? Let’s discuss.

Trump never my POTUS and Melanie never my POTUS

Swamp Rat Barbie will come with a straight jacket and an official receipt from the devil.

We asked 100 people when is it okay to meet with TrumPutin? When hell freezes over was the number one answer.

Ivanka knows going to the White House with the Orange Man with tiny hands would mean sharing a bed.

Stop by Walmart and pick up pack of safety pins. Put one on and keep your head up.

Wrong site skippy run along to Breitbart.

Why Lord why? Why Janet and not Trump Lord? What’s that? Oh Pence is worse than the devil.

So she’s a female version of Trump. Except that violating only 10's thing.

Actually he said he was smart. One of the smartest. He said he would win bigly in a smarts contest. Believe me folks Donald believes he is the smartest. Can’t wait to see how smartly he delivers his concession speech.

All women should first ask Donald if they are a 10 before they vote for him. The only women that matter to Donald are what he considers 10's.

I got a peek at it

We can’t afford to get smug. Vote early and take friends. Women and Men we must vote in droves against Donald.

Pence fries?

Stadium and still standing room only,

Don the Con told you peasants during the debate that only dumb people pay taxes and bills.

I poured out the wine and pulled out the whiskey.

What do you expect him to be on E? He can’t afford to order more brides right now you know the audit and all.

I think Lester kept giving TrumpleThinSkin just enough rope to hang his self and boy did Trump hang his self.

People are saying Don’s constant snorting was coke nose. Not me but a lot of people who know coke nose. These may be very good people who are saying it. Some of them I don’t know may actually have coke nose.