
Just curious; I’m not offended at all. In fact, if I actually cared about pro sports, I’d take a knee with you.

Along those lines, I have always been fascinated by Han Solo saying “I’ll see you in Hell” in Empire Strikes Back. Not only do they have these people whose religion is based on an unseen Force that some people can control and manipulate, but they also have a concept of Heaven and Hell.

Well, it works better if you assume that the dinosaurs aren’t speaking English, but rather this is a crude translation of their language. Think of the way we still use the term “cancer” which has its origins in the greek for “crab” because somebody thought the tumor looked like a crab.

My toddlers are really into dinosaurs, so they watch a lot of the Land Before Time movies.

if it makes you feel any better, i was in on the joke from the phrase “expensive pressing device”

I know, I was just having some shits and giggles, but everybody is being so darn nice and helpful, that now I feel like a snarky jerk!

How is everyone missing the Juicero reference?

If you want your sparkling water to taste like a metal can that had a strawberry in it for a week, La Croix is a good place to start.

What kind of “subverting fantasy tropes” is having the main female character die to advance the story of the main male character? Why is everyone assuming it’s not going to be Daenerys icing Jon Snow to forge a new Lightbringer? Wouldn’t be the first instance of history giving a dude credit for a woman’s

But, but, but...

So are we still gonna be seeing Game Of Thrones spam every day between now and 2019 with every silly fan theory presented as newsworthy?

It’s cool. I’ve been looking for an excuse to throw this (revised) little gem out there for ages now.

S1: The Last Targaryan
S2: The North Awakens
S3: The Lannisters Strike Back

I’m pretty sure it’s part of the timeless fan-theory tradition of “making shit up to justify a huge hole in my logic”.