As difficult as it is to defend reddit, it was very clear there that the tone was jocular. The only actual anger and vitriol I saw was in the comments section here, where it dominated the conversation.
As difficult as it is to defend reddit, it was very clear there that the tone was jocular. The only actual anger and vitriol I saw was in the comments section here, where it dominated the conversation.
Yeah but THIS site and its posters jumped ALL over that shite.
I live in Georgia. Get the fuck away from me with your “ceiling fans”.
Since i know we have Kardasians/ Jenner fans here, i just thought i would pass along that a regular article i do over on the Observation Deck, a former I09 sub-blog will be Jenner related. I will post tomorrow morning and so i figured i would do a little shameless self promotion over in Dirt Bag since i figured it may…
When I was about 13, I pretended to be a soon to be mother on a baby name message board. I really liked baby names at the time (girl names only, der), carefully maintaining lists for all my future children. This was back around 2001 so it was a very primitive message boards, but I was extremely active, becoming a top…
You realize this whole “diving into the comments to get hyperdefensive and insulting every single time you’re questioned” routine isn’t a good look for you, right?
Also I’m going to assume that Jane placed her child there AFTER the person behind her settled in (because you have to hold your child while take off) - so the persons stuff was already there and I doubt she asked that person to move it. If the person’s stuff was taking up all the room, then they’d be no room for her…
Nope. Apparently the world is going to end if there's a happy kid on a dirty floor.
10 million times THIS.
Can we chill about this now or what?
But a person of a given race or religion might act badly, just as you suggest that a child might act badly. So would you approve of a co-op board demanding a special interview for anyone of a particular race or religion in order to judge whether they think this is one of the good ones?
I’m sorry they’re all coming at you instead of listening and maybe, just maybe, taking your comment into consideration of a larger problem. Kara’s comments are what’s disappointing to a lot of us though. Would not expect this from her. It’s really upsetting.
I can’t believe that Jezebel published an article celebrating the kind of bullshit privileged white feminism that disregards the experience of anyone who isn’t white and/or of the bourgeoisie class, all with a cute little disclaimer near the bottom saying “Don’t try if you can’t look white and rich, tee hee” and that…
Yeah, I don’t know that repeatedly saying “but what if the author isn’t white” is helping. Like, smuggling drugs on a plane is still a dumb, risky thing to do. That said, I haven’t spent too much time on Flygirl, so maybe they want this sub-blog to be more Vice-y and less Jezebel-y? *shrugs*
Jia, that sound you hear is the shoveling hitting bed rock, asking for a jackhammer doesn’t solve the hole problem.
PS. You know you’re onto something when not one but THREE Jez writers come after you
Going all Reese Witherspoon like “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM????”
and LOL at the bloggers “What if the writer is poor and a POCccc?”
Lol did you write this?
Yours is the first comment I’ve read that smacks of my reality - not an office rock star. I started working as a child (as a “domestic” cleaning houses with my mom) earned a few advanced degrees and worked the whole time. In those 20+ years there was never a minute that I wouldn’t have walked out if I won the lotto.…