
That's as silly as asking how kids in Seattle or Chicago know what a camel is. Yes, Saudi society and American society are very different, but they still have TVs and such there.

Congratulations, Ms. Jeantel! I hope that your future holds great things, no matter what you decide to do.


I don't think a lot of people purchase paper magazines from the local five and dime either. This, friend, is the internet. Welcome.

Haha! A roommate I had in college and for my first year out of college was a huge pathological liar. It became too much and I had to end the friendship and move out, but here were some of my favorites from her:

Yeah. "Barely attend his mother's funeral" doesn't even make sense.

I think the only time I actually laughed at Boy Meets World was when the mom sent Eric on an errand: "Take the money to the bank, make a deposit, come right back." He kept repeating it to himself so he wouldn't forget. Cut to: "Take mommy to see Frank, clean my closet, take a nap."

The kids are basically fully grown though.

Why does getting a divorce = imperfection?

Transphobia, transphobia everywhere. How about everyone not okay with transphobia talk about how awesome Scot is in THIS thread? Hint, she's awesome!

Mindy's parents were never famous or connected like all of those people you listed. I mean don't get me wrong, "privilege," absolutely, but I don't see how she had "good connections" in the way that all of those others did.

Wow some serious ethnocentrism going on in this article. Most of the stuff you made fun of was perfectly fine. I guess its just easy and fulfilling to bash on the latest easy-to-bash country. Fine, Putin is a jerk. But the country itself has plenty of arts and sciences and positive history.

Who doesn't love observing Communist history (see lede picture as well) through rose-colored glasses?

Eh. Google search photos of the kid. I guess they might be going in and editing every single picture, but. . . I dunno.

Example: No one is discussing the impending Hiddleston or Gosling backlash...

Yep. Can't find anything work appropriate that fits in my local thrift shops. Can't find anything work appropriate that fits that's US union made either. I've got money, that's not the problem. When I got my first real, non-nametag benefits ahoy! (union) job, I decided I was going to source ethical clothing, even if

I spent three years studying Egyptology and practically the only thing that every single one of my tutors and lecturers agreed on was that Zahi Hawass is a total tool.

I think they just meant her "natural bone structure". LOL

I still care about The Hills and deep down inside still hold out hope that L.C. and I will one day be BFF.