
RE "plumped for": - it's like "opted for", or perhaps closer to "settled for/on". Doesn't usually carry any connotations of physical weight.

I especially love that he's now a calligrapher

I gave my husband a couple rules when we were brainstorming baby names: no diacritical marks and nothing that sounds like a D&D character. Because he kept coming back to me with like, Stormageddon Dark Lord of All.

I LIVED for the Ramona books as a child. Fun fact: Here in Portland, OR, Beverly Cleary's home town, there is a Beverly Cleary sculpture garden (!!) and a Beverly Cleary Elementary School. Also, many of the characters and places in the books were named after streets in Portland; even the street they lived on,

Here's the thing though, Pinterest in general is used as an aspirational inspiration board for people. I don't own my own home but pinning pictures of what I'd like my home to be like helps me to have a goal, just like people's weight loss pins, recipe pins, etc. It's an "If you build it, he will come" type idea

I don't think that's directly on their mind, but it's how we've been conditioned. It's not a coincidence that Caucasian features are considered more attractive and thus more marketable, that's the society we live in. So someone getting this surgery isn't necessarily thinking "I want to look whiter", but their decision

Er, these have been available at Momofuku forever. They're called Bagel Bombs. If you have the Momofuku Milk Bar cookbook, you can make them yourself, and they're awesome.

just FYI, she has responded to Jezebel on twitter:

I'm going to buy it, write comments in the margins, then send it to others who bought it so I can gather their comments.

Each one of them a badass.

I also read through RSS (formerly Reader, now Feedly). All of the Gawker Media sites give just a snippet of the article, which is particularly bad for Dirt Bag, since there's no way to tell there's more to the story.

Unrelated, kind of. I get Jez in my RSS feed in Outlook, and for articles like Dirtbag, it cuts off the the text after like one sentence. Then I don't realize that there is more delicious celebrity gossip (I guess I think it's one of those really abbreviated articles that you guys are doing) and I am sad. Is the

I hope so! Nick and Go are fraternal twins so that could allow for the differences in appearance between them and Carpenter is just so good at playing the gutsy sister. I hope they make her as foul mouthed as Deb is.

That is a great idea! Do casting directors read this thing? Go was my favorite character through the whole thing, and maybe Jennifer Carpenter could work as a twin of Affleck. Plus, she exudes enough guts to be right for Go.

Who on earth would Neil Patrick Harris play? I can't think of any dudes around his age in the book except Nick!

Just a few comments from the agency that created the campaign. First, glad to see such a robust discussion around these ideas. It's much needed.

But you should go after the behavior, not the fashion.

First of all, the snippets posted to Jez were from Reddit, not the book itself or the proposal that was sent to Kickstarter. Anyone could have made that up and sent it in. How would you feel if your project was cancelled because someone made shit up about it and Kickstarter unilaterally decided to cancel your project?

I would've loved it. I love cooking and someone buying me fancy ingredients would be a friend who totally got me. I have a kick-ass recipe for brownies with Marshmallow Fluff in them so I'd appreciate the whimsy of it. Plus, who doesn't need a basket?