
I just fashioned some characters in my short stories (nothing serious, more fan fiction level) after them and gave them the worst fates (not neccessarily death) I could come up with.

Might have been over a girl...

I think you just described Joe Biden.

Patriotism is holding your country accountable when it does wrong, not screaming to silence others who dare question it. That’s just plain ol’ nationalism and the Russians and Chinese have it in spades as well (we just mock them for it while ignoring our own). Chanting ‘USA’ to drown out unfavorable opinions and

She has the right to wave the rainbow flag because public opinion grew less homophobic, and because of SCOTUS and changes in the law at the city & state level, not because of soldiers.

I’m pretty sure the people who died for our freedoms didn’t do it so that this country would become a place where you have to show dogmatic loyalty to symbols as if we lived in a dictatorship, saluting “Dear Leader” and bowing down lest we be marked a traitor. Let’s save that forced patriotic bullshit for North Korea.

Ok “Brock” is a piece of shit name to begin with.

Not to be confused with Law & Order SUV, in which officers ticket vehicles that take up more than one parking space.

This reminds me of something striking I read about Brexit; a study found that the less ethnically diverse a person’s neighborhood or town, the more likely they were to vote Brexit - and this is key- AND the more likely they were to cite fear of immigration as a reason for it. In other words, the fewer immigrants they

A large portion of White Americans loves being told that they live in a hellhole and they’re being brutally oppressed and that their problems are because of some great big Other who’s been hurting them for so long. And I think they come at that from two positions. First, the rural white, who genuinely was ignored and

If Trump wants African Americans to vote for him, instead of asking them what they have to lose by voting for him, he should demonstrate what they have to gain.

I was going to say the same thing!

My soul was already shreking

You’re an iron goddess. Respect.

That goes into the pantheon of truest statements ever:

“Fentanyl is your friend.”

Also Roger Ailes’ Sugartits Jam.

JEB!erry preserves made out of turtles and hopelessness.


What do you mean “but with?”

Is he going to ride that Penny Farthing all the way to the artisinal pencil shop in Manhattan, or just to the nearest Wes Andersen diorama-rama?