
I understand being professional, but if that was the reason for THIS list, you would expect to also see things like jeans, t-shirts, sandals, ect. You know, other clothing items that aren't "professional" but it doesn't, it simply lists clothing items a female student would wear on a hot day.

Oh stop with this nonsense. I'm on the UT campus constantly; the last time I saw someone with "Juicy" on their butt, John McCain was contemplating who his VP running mate should be. Just stop. Seriously. STOP. My eyes can only roll so far back into my head.

You know what doesn't distract from learning? Crushing student loan debts, and the constant worry about how the hell you're going to repay them.

"...PBS and co-producers at WNED Buffalo 'believed that the show was no longer the best way to teach kids reading skills.'"

I am Tailypo and I approve this message.

Screech, definitely. Sure, it was not nice how his "friends" called him names and treated him like dirt. But he was useless. He just f'd things up every episode. He couldn't do anything right. So unfunny and obnoxious.

And I'd argue Saved by the Bell counts as sci-fi since Zack was always stopping time and sometimes

Not sci fi, but a definite contender at the Jar Jar level - A depiction so annoying and SO racist it practically ruins an otherwise brilliant film. Too soon? (Sorry, Mickey.)

Every god damned last one of these fucking hacks.

I like Neelix. He was pretty multi-dimensional. There was a deep layer of pathos underneath his goofy optimism. His people were persecuted. His wife (who was basically a baby) left him then went crazy. The guy had it rough.

I call them "Woo Girls." Because in Austin, they always get way too drunk at shows and festivals then stand around going, "WOooooOO! WOO! WOooOOOOO!" Even during really quiet parts of a song or whatever. Then at the end of the night they take off their heels, sit on a curb, and start crying because of some bro.

I have worked with Gloria for years and just want to say for the record, Terry approached her at an event as asked for a photo and she said yes, because she ALWAYS says yes to photos (when she can). She had no idea who he is. Just so y'all know.

There were two British Monarchs who were women who are not mentioned. They both ruled over two of the most referenced points in history. Queen Victoria had a whole era named after her. The Victorian Era. Ever heard of it? Likewise, Cleopatra is probably the only Ancient Egyptian Monarch most people can name off

Meanwhile, fully 37% of Americans believe that the FDA is suppressing "natural" cures for cancer

Dat Kate Mulgrew voice.

Tori can cover absolutely anything. I saw her do a live YMCA and it affirmed my life

He's a good boyfriend, too. I just called him and asked if he would come over and fix the wobbly side view mirror on my car. He said he could do it but not until later tonight. Then I said well if you're going to come over later tonight instead of now, maybe you could bring dinner. He said he was planning on eating

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Actually, at 50, I just can't get fired up with hipster hatred as so many at Gawker seem to be. Maybe it's a generational thing. To me, they are just kids. And we all envy youth so much don't we? In time, in their 30s, 40s and 50s—I mean we all sell out to the Man eventually right?—I'm sure they'll be kvetching about

Does the word "hipster" even mean anything anymore?

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Helloooooo grown men dressing up as and acting like teenage girls is ALWAYS funny.

I found a hidden dick in Garden State...