Miss Lisa

The trauma of Lydia absconding with Wickham will be decidedly diminished within this retelling! I beg atonement for the spoiler.

When I was a kid, I preferred "Little Archies." They were kind of cute and bratty and that series spawned "Li'l Jinx," who was a fairly humorous and rambunctious little girl. I was desperate for girls in comics, so thanks, Li'l Jinx.

The Spanish-language book cover of the novella, which I happened upon while traveling through Mexico in the 80s, is SUCH a bummer. http://mla-d1-p.mlstatic.co…

A rare treat—a movie that accurately reflects what it's like to live in San Francisco.

I call those serial killer vans. I think that's definitely a west coast term.

Hollywood film industry of the 70s was like an entirely different planet.

She's just lucky they didn't make her evil too. I grew up thinking I would one day automatically "turn blonde" to avoid becoming an evil brunette. It didn't happen and now I'm evil. Through and through.

I appreciated the marathon leading up to the finale—many moments revisited in the final episodes from the first few seasons. Good work, as always, writers. And as with every great episode, some people are mad about some aspect. This time it appears to be the Peggy story. But I say: it made sense. It was like a really

God—it's like watching my parents' home movies (I'm old).

Don Draper, founder of Green Tortoise Adventure Tours, est. 1970.

The show did a good job an episode or two back (with only a couple lines of dialogue) conveying Trudy's unhappiness, being a divorced mom in the suburbs. How isolated she had become—jealous wives, hound-dog husbands—I wonder how much of her decision to try again with Pete was based on loneliness and hopelessness. They

He's never confessed to that, to my knowledge. He's definitely unburdening himself on this road trip.

existential every-man

If "safety" as a claim were true and people did their research, the mini-van would be the number-one best-seller in America. Impossible to roll, easy to load, decent gas mileage, yet so many people have told me they won't be seen in a mini-van. Even when they have three kids and could really get good use from one,

They're just messing with doctors who tell kids to avoid neon-orange food to help prevent migraines. American youth's next migraine is on you, Kraft.

"They can't kill me, I'm already dead." - enlisted Glen

"Go back to the commercials with the family using your high-speed connection on the toilet." - memo from Comcast


Colin Blunstone sold insurance for a while after the group broke up, saving his voice for posterity. I've seen them twice in the past several years—excellent shows—The Zombies are musicians' musicians.