Miss Lisa

I just read Red Harvest—it was fantastic—like a fever-dream nightmare with humor. Did you know Kurosawa based Yojimbo on Red Harvest? And now I have to watch Yojimbo again—it's been awhile.

Yep, he was an old soul all right. I first read him for story, but now for style.

I just finished rereading the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I think the last time I read it was in high school (long ago). I really got sucked in. And I watched all the movies again. Tolkien was sucked in too—a big part of the charm. Like being hypnotized, it doesn't work for everyone. Subtitle: Be a Mensch and Save the

It's like a scene from one of her movies, therefore it's punk.

Agreed. Don't get tied down in your early 20s—travel and gain experience. Unless you want to be tied down in your early 20s. But I wouldn't recommend it.

So glad she had a chance to emote all over the place in this episode. I was lucky to see her onstage and she is a phenomenal actress. I didn't even realize she was the mom in Freaks & Geeks until well after the performance.

Becky. Ann. Baker.

The answer to your question is yes. That's hilarious and would make quality TV, Adam F. "Meta" Goldberg.

Tell your mom! Beverly Goldberg is my muse.

Triumphant Barry Goldberg is the name of my band. And yes, we are the best.

Thanks for the fine article. This and Barney Miller are my jams.

As soon as you have kids and Christmas-obsessed family coming around, precedent is set. It's like an out-of-control Christmas steamroller every year. My neighbors just had a baby and I'm watching the process unfold anew. I told them to keep it simple but it's like spitting in the wind. A brightly colored cheery costly

The Goldbergs purposefully won't set itself in any particular year, making the entire decade a mishmash of 80s memories. Which I think is proper from a former 80s-kid perspective. But it drives my husband crazy. My husband has a photographic memory, so that's on him.

He has such an intelligent deadpan delivery. Must have studied at the Neil Flynn School of Dramatic Arts.

Apparently the guy will be covered in pig's blood. Nicely played, guy. Nicely played.

It would be funny if they just left him in the snake. For science.

It's like when people argue about individual musicians being "technically" better, or "more emotive and artistic" when they play. Lots of ways to approach reactions to songs. I could go in many directions about why "Are You Gonna Go My Way" makes me hate life for its duration and afterwards when it's stuck in my head

The interviewees of this feature don't regularly write or discuss music for a living, so it doesn't surprise me that it's mainly a visceral reaction to a song that's on display here. Would this feature be better with a bunch of musically inclined people involved? Maybe. But music's an emotional thing, so I suspect the

Surprise, they're from and live in NorCal and would definitely never vote for Bush, but otherwise, yeah, what he said.

My kid insisted on getting it immediately after school today. He's been waiting all month. It's like Christmas around here. The slow-mo replays have put him in a state of nirvana. And he's already uploaded three runs directly to his YouTube channel from the console. Thanks, Nintendo, for turning me into an even bigger