Miss Lisa

Like watching the Golden Globes again.

I only saw them back in the day in tiny clubs and record stores and they were really fun—kind of casual, but intense at the same time. Kind of sloppy but really knew their stuff. All sorts of contradictions—very dedicated to their sound. I can't imagine them at the Fox—it's so cavernous in there. But if The

"although maybe in Seattle they do" is the understatement of the century. And Seattle's putting in belated public transit (underground) even as I type.

I've seen him in person, and it's true—his forehead is tremendous and needs its own makeup artist.

Yes, she was a crayon. And then she even wore it AGAIN for a school dance so the guy she met on Halloween would remember her. Oh, SUE!

They probably just don't want to budget for it. Someone would have to sit there and write for it and make graphics—not a job for an intern. Wait a minute…I need a job….

I will always fondly remember him by his D&D character, "Carlos the Dwarf."

100 comments—we can do this! I love this show and it's introducing my 11-year-old to one of the best family sitcoms. This is an example of hapless-character ensemble comedy that manages to be somewhat heartwarming yet not too sentimental. A rarity.

Nor have I ever heard the word "quietly" when describing Dinosaur Jr.

This made my day. The fact that Mojo was speechless is the most shocking revelation of all.

YEAH. What Huey said.

Isley Brothers can do no wrong! Thanks.

I have desperately tried to figure out copyright laws in the last few years because I listen to a lot of old-timey public-domain music. And I just can't figure it out. It used to be fairly simple but it's gotten very complicated. I commend you for spelling out some of the issues here.

Yes, after 20 years, everything is magically free for the taking. Have at it, everyone.

Actually, many Victorian-style houses of that era were torn down by '68, or renovated to look like modern boxes. That building style wasn't considered cool until people started renovating them in San Francisco (right around that time, but not in that region). Head on over to any industrial city with that building

Yes—I have that experience too. And friends of friends in high school. I'd get invited to houses where I didn't know anyone very well, and could immediately figure out why certain girls were so bitchy all the time. It was for their own survival.

Except for all those people Soprano had killed.

Stick with the cat, Peggy.

I'm very sorry to hear that. I was hoping it was a regional problem.