Miss Lisa

For what it's worth, Linda Perry used to dress like that all the time, even while bussing tables at her diner job on Haight Street at 8 in the morning—top hat and everything. This is a really annoying song but it doesn't get played as much any more in the Bay Area as you'd think. Not half as much as a crap Journey

I sat behind a seven-year-old during Silence of the Lambs. I didn't realize it until the lights came up and there he was, the most traumatized little face I've ever seen. With the world's stupidest parents.

I wish STP had been up for a season of reality talent searching on "Rock Star: Stone Temple Pilots." That would have been several weeks of desperate entertainment. I guess it wasn't meant to be. 

Everything he does is funny. He's a brilliant comic actor. He deserves his own show.

Will, I look forward to your write-ups on this show. You appreciate all that goes into it and I'm glad this show got the recapper it deserves.

Me too and I would pay to see that. She's perfect for that dream remake role. Seemingly normal on the outside—complete psychopathic revenge-monger on the inside.

He's a misogynist but he's no racist.

Clever gag or time-travel fuck-over to Chuck Berry?

Even the preview shown on the Yahoo mail sign-in page (sorry—I'm stuck in the 90s with too many email addresses) was infuriatingly grotesque. And I only saw the first ten seconds with the sound off because I quickly had to look away.

See his films—they're joyful and celebratory. He just loved stuff so much. I'll miss his dedication to filmmaking.

I LOVE YOU MIKE WHITE. Keep on keepin' on.

Yes, of course "the challenge is just plain too hard." Heidi and Nina's mean-girl judging just makes them look bad, and the show transparent. The dancers were very gracious considering they had to dress and dance in fools-wear.

Joel Gion, percussionist. They give him a tambourine mic and he always stands in the middle of the stage. It works for them.

Joel Gion—not just the tambourine player—maracas as well. A very good percussionist. He should have branched out to marimba. Had a small part in a "Gilmore Girls" episode as well, as a tambourine player.

If you gather your best conversationalist friends, this would make a decent reality show. I'd watch.

Stacy and Clinton give their subject a chunk of cash and send them shopping. Then they remotely watch and criticize all their choices from the safety of their dressing room/studio, before jumping in and "correcting" them. Kind of a Fashion Big Brother concept that I'll miss. I hate clothes shopping.

Crop tops, muddy colors, pajama-shaped everything. You stay away, 90s revival!

Me too. And don't be jealous, everyone. We're just older than you, most likely.

Heh. There you go.

This dope.