Miss Lisa

Latest word from a Michael Lindsay-Hogg public appearance is that "Let It Be" will be released in 2013 along with a second-disc documentary on the making of the documentary, "Let It Be." Apparently George didn't want the movie released during his lifetime due to bad memories of that time.

That is so…French.

This looks worse than actual pregnancy and childbirth, and those can be pretty damn awful.

Like Facebook in the flesh.

*chuckle* (I never chuckle—thank you)

I went to SF State and the girl who lived down the hall in our dorm ended up running off with the stripper hired for my surprise birthday party. They then turned up stripping as a duo at a warehouse party a week later. There was no need to talk about it.

Burl Ives sings the hell out of that one. I miss him.

Atheists cleaning up a stretch of highway are doing God's work, Billy, so go pound sand.

Libby Hill is right. I will read any opinion of this show that Libby Hill cares to have, but I will not watch this show again, as God is my witness.

Hi Young. I was struck immediately in the first episode by your art smarts and I appreciate you commenting and letting us in the process. I think anyone who hasn't worked in editing has no idea how the content is shaped by omitting even one sentence during a conversation, or by cutting in a negative facial expression

She basically outed her mom as an asshole on national TV.

It's only been six years?! Seems like we've suffered through a decade of this couple. At least.

It's impossible to clean glitter out of anything—your hair, your clothes, even your skin. You'd be glittered for probably weeks, and it would get in your house too. I used to be a preschool teacher. I know.


Everyone: please pull your pants up. Thanks. - Mom


I like them!

Or a big newspaper coffin full of body parts. Welcome to The Times!

Maybe a messsage like "Garbage In Garbage Out" would have popped. Maybe not. Bright colors, Dusty. Make a note of it: bright colors.

And the governess has to live with that for the rest of her life. And he never does admit to her what really happened. Devastating, excellent film.