Miss Lisa

Ugh. I blank that one out. So painful.

I replied above and I'll say it again. I will not show this movie to my 9-year-old yet. I'm waiting 'til he's a teen-ager and properly hates me.

Our local pizzeria played it on their big-screen TV during a recent dinner outing. It was impossible to enjoy our abundant pizza-pie with that thing on. *sob*

Yeah, I can't bear to show Time Bandits to my sensitive son yet because I think the ending might freak him out too much. Too bad—it's such a great kid film otherwise.

Great pick. "We Have Always Lived in the Castle" is another great Shirley Jackson novella. "The Lottery," "The Daemon Lover"…damn, she was bleak.

Gallipoli—not a triumphant military conquest.