
That concept of sucking a bag of dicks is just weird... like first of all, what do you see when you suck a bag of dicks? Is it like a plastic bag and they’re all mushed in together like chicken parts... with a date written on it with sharpie. You can keep it in the freezer. Or is it like a paper bag and they’re all

I loved both Pitch Perfects but this was horrific.

My phone autocorrects “kk” to ‘Klingon’ EVERY TIME. It has made for some completely nonsensical and awkward conversations.

You had one job, Manuela. One (dead fucking simple) job!!!

Yellow Pages >> Jahovas Witnesses

What's he supposed to do, card her?

Like a porn version of Dune maybe? We could call it Poon if that tickles your fancy. ;P

Is it the age part that's buggin' yah? Yeah, that got me too.

nailed it on the money! I'm from the V.I! Nice to meet you. Seeing as we are so small a city, I wonder if we know each other or have ever met. Strange....

This is totally off topic (I already made my comments on a different thread that ARE on topic) but when I was in Cambodia, inebriated, surrounded by 8 year old trying to sell me books and get me to buy them colas (after they had taken my money from beating me in pool) at a dingy little bar called The Magic Sponge,

Thank you for that. And you are right. It's totally two fold. If Americans on their best behaviour pretend to be Canadian it's also a poor decision for other Americans as well as Canadians.


Also, just so we are clear, there are plenty of underprivileged parts of Canada. They just get minimal media coverage. It's extremely sad. Just think of a downtrodden community where people lack running water, education and electricity and then put it in the middle of a constant snow storm. In this respect I am

^^ Ugh, my comma is in the wrong spot. How annoying.

Hahaha. You are kidding right? Correct me by means of example if I am wrong but I don't think that being born American is no less a travellers privilege than being born a Canadian.

Citizen of the world! I love that :)

Well I am glad you are moving if you are unhappy, and Canada is an excellent choice! But I still don't think you should tell people you are Canadian if you aren't. Sure - come to Canada. But don't lie. We don't like that this side of the boarder. It's not a very nice or Canadian thing to do.

As a Canadian I am both annoying and flattered by this. I hear Americans say this all the time. It really leaves me conflicted. Why not just tell people what you are and then work towards breaking the stereotype?

I spent a summer in Cambodia. You are true. There is no way NOT to know if you are paying attention. And if you are not then you need to GTFO and stay close to your own culture. WTF?

This is rude beyond belief and it enrages me.