
Could we maybe... not with this? Cause I do these things too (started eating way less; I now eat somewhere between 1350-1500 calories with under 80g of carbs and 100+g of protein; exercise 5 times a week by running 2-3 miles and lifting weights, and walk about 1-2 miles a day; I don’t drink alcohol at all) and haven’t

Oh sure, they just want to find the woman to help her.

you’re gonna get past all this, ellie, and you know why?

that particular company is having a fairly bad last twelve months.

I made paper flowers this week to brighten up my new place. Ignore the scotch tape please - my glue stick-fu is not good. But I like the colour.

it definitely sets a president.

The fact that these russia loving, humanity hating, classless, cultureless, chinless, dickless, spineless, Garland Merrick blocking, scheming, semi-sentient, greedy blobs of shit with horrible HORRIBLE fitting skin suits have the gall to call anyone else in the entirety of Democracy obstructionist fills me with so

Today, candidates for upper/senior management positions in your average insurance company or manufacturer or bank are expected to have at least a masters degree of some sort, or equivalent experience in the field. Why shouldn’t we expect at least that much from governors and presidents? Just stop with the


I’m unconvinced of this, for reasons beyond “rumors aren’t evidence.” He seems to genuinely like her and make excuses for her and trust her with stuff he doesn’t trust other people with, and I think his demonstrated misogyny and reductive lust/hate for the people he sexualizes means that if he was having an affair

Today’s Code 45* is a word for all seasons. It’s the Swiss Army knife of (barely) coded messages. If he would just decide that, from this day forward, no word other than this one will ever be followed by an exclamation point, we’d have it made. We could put the C45* machine on autopilot and go to sleep - safe in the

They are a testament to what public schools can produce if students have support at home and in well-funded schools.

Here’s a nine-year-old tweet that actually aged well.

I dunno. Not to be a killjoy - It’s terrific seeing people speak truth and stand up to these soulless minions of Mammon. But the fact is, they are soulless minions. They can’t be shamed because they are in their positions for the very reason that they rose to the top of the dung heap through total lack of shame

I just need to vent about this idiotic idea of arming teachers as a solution. While I have tremendous sympathy to those victims and their families who might see this as at least giving them a fighting chance to survive, it’s wrongheaded in so many ways. A military style assault weapon, like the AR-15 is a designed to

It absolutely blows my mind that Republicans can balance the cognitive dissonance of “look, an angry teenager is always just going to be able to somehow source a semi-automatic rifle, even if they’re illegal and rare and strictly controlled and almost impossible to get ammunition for, never mind that literally no

We need something catchy instead of #thoughtsandprayers, like votes and calls. Don’t send a prayer, send a letter to your congressman, and threatened to never ever vote for them again unless they pass some comprehensive gun reform. Don’t go to church, take your church to the polls, and then have them register voters,

Is there anything the GOP can’t twist to blame on basic human decency?

As a nation we pay our enlisted military personnel terrible wages, subject them to a lifestyle that puts terrible stress on their families and personal well being, including sending many on repeated combat tours that can leave physical and emotional scars that may last a lifetime, and often provide few support

Can we stop with the Clinton shit. She is no longer news. She is not the president. She is not actively destroying our country. She is a flawed person who has made a fair amount of stupid decisions in her life. She has also been attacked relentlessly for her mistakes. And also for everything else she has ever done. It