
mother’O god that was good! The whole set. I dare anyone here to leap into space in the dark like that, land right on your mark ready to belt one out.

This utter inability to stop fighting this battle tells you all you need to know about him. Even another president in cahoots with Putin would publicly drop this and go along with the American line of hating the guy. His stubborn ass will. not. let. it. go. because he always has to be right.

They’re too busy jerking themselves because they think they finally picked the winning team.

Somewhere in the Senate halls, Al Franken can be heard banging his head gently on his desk.

For years, Republicans called Obama a socialist, communist and a fascist, without irony. Now we have a President who openly admires a murderous Russian dictator and acts like a tyrant, yet the Right says nothing. Where are all the Tea Partiers with their misspelled signs denouncing Trump?

I know some teachers who took a early retirement rather than continue on.

Everyone is all like “finally not political like Beyoncé!”

Patriots were favorites. Unless you mean their upset of the upset is playing out like the upset of last year, then I guess, maybe, but there’s never been overtime in the Super Bowl before...oh my god...there go our traditions.

It was good.

The Prince/Devos family is very wealthy. Her brother owns Blackwater, and is rumored to be building his own private airforce. They are all Evangelical millennialist Christians. Of course Pence would love her.

Mismanage and under fund it and then scream about how bad it is and that it ‘just doesn’t work’.

When you can do literally whatever you want, that’s what you do n

I don’t think everyone gets what an epic disaster this is. I work in education and EVERYONE is freaking out. Even charter schools and voucher schools. This woman honest to God has no idea what she’s doing and her ideas ideas are outdated even among the voucher crowd.

I think that decimating the public school system is part of the long-term Republican strategy for ensuring their political survival. We already see how their success last election hinged on gullible people unable to identify the difference between real and fake news stories, and between true and false statements. An

It does seem weird on one hand. But, on the other, I think they feel that if they lose even one of these, then the Dems smell blood.

If GOP donors realize their dollars won’t secure them cabinet positions they might stop giving.

Yup. I don’t have the right not to have doctor legally required to lie to me and decide what is medically best for my health and body.