
It’s like saying your deserve respect without earning it.

Probably not. His wife is pro-Hillary, and they donated money to her campaign. People say a lot of shit they don’t mean when they’re manic, or depressed, or whatever form his mental health problem is manifesting.

I honestly don’t know...last year he apparently made sizeable donations to the Clinton campaign. If he is mentally ill, and obviously I don’t know him personally, but my best friend is bipolar and before she was medicated, when she was manic she would say a lot of truly bizarre shit. Imagining plots against her, super

Having a mental illness does not preclude you from being responsible for a lot of your actions. To excuse everything he has done or said under the umbrella of mental illness is dangerous. Just because he has mental illness does not mean we have to now treat him as if he is flawless and everything he says or does is

Not sure where I saw this, but I like it: “When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.”

This very article is an example of devastating incompetence. See also: Chris Christie.

There are still a hell of a lot of straight, white, male “brogressive” types who are out there bleating that the Dems “ran the wrong candidate,” and if only we’d listened to them and picked Bernie, well, we wouldn’t have this problem.

This is like the one time where I am hoping it’s just like in the movies, and some shadowy internal CIA group has already decided to keep everything important from him.

The problem with the election was that Trump had at least two scandals a day, and in the interest of fairness the mainstream media reported on the same Clinton scandal alongside each breaking Trump scandal, all through the election cycle.

I know that Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, is a maniacal warlord bent on interplanetary galactic domination through genocide and oppression, who rules through fear and intimidation, and whose plans include the destruction of entire planets. 

It feels more and more like every attack on her was really a projection of what he really is.

It feels more and more like every attack on her was really a projection of what he really is.

Let me just say I love! your Avatar! I picked up the Rebel Alliance sticker for my car the other day wondering how many others are doing that as well.

“CIA, which I hear is very overrated, is also fat ugly and stupid. Should apologize!

He surrounds himself with the devastatingly incompetent, the homicidally bigoted, people celebrated by literal Nazis, he lost the popular vote, he runs crying to mommy at the slightest rebuke from anyone, continues to conduct business while receiving top secret briefings, wants to wipe out overtime pay laws, has his

Silly, it’s going to be a dome with a big, beautiful hatch on it to let in the legal aliens.

He’ll be briefed on some crazy shit like aliens

Ha! It’ll take wayyyyy less than that. He’ll be briefed on some crazy shit like aliens and tell us all about it 5 minutes later.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The first time Trump gets into a snit with the CIA/FBI, etc., those state secrets will be all over Twitter by 3 am.

Does Christie ever do like ... his actual job of governing New Jersey?