
I haven’t smoked (a cigarette) in 4 years and I almost caved the day after election. And every day since. HOooooo boy deep breathing. My brain sends your brain hugs through the tubes we inter on.

Not every comment needs to be 100% expert opinion hot take.

Lolol we’re all doomed.

Kelly explained that she “avoided Roger for six months” on the advice of her supervisor, after he aggressively sexually harassed her in his office, trying three times to kiss her.“Sure enough, he stopped,” she said. “We went on to have a healthy working relationship.” Kelly added that “even I found hard to believe

Here is your White Trump voter, America.

And just like that she reminds us all that she is definitely, without a doubt, 100% all about self-preservation and doesn’t really want to shake things up or make anyone uncomfortable at all. Thanks Megyn!

So, the debates were an anomaly and she’s still horrible. Got it.

How much you want to bet, all her downplaying of him threatening her and him knowing questions in advance, etc, now that the book has had early release of excerpts, is that she only put those anecdotes in the book because she didn’t expect him to win?

This doesn’t surprise me, she was always a mouthpiece for the Reich...er, I mean Right.

“Now that he is President of the United States and not directly aggressively attacking me, Donald Trump really isn’t that bad!”

What a relief...I was starting to like her.


I understood her point. I reject it. Exposing racism in elected and appointed public officials, especially in the aftermath of an election where white racism, or at least white privilege, swept a bigot into the highest office in the land, has value. We don’t improve public understanding of institutional racism by

When you say “there’s nobody being injured here” I’m going to guess you mean physically. That discounts the discomfort someone who is friends with these women experienced enough to call them out on this behavior publicly.

Because they need to be exposed. This whole “turn the other cheek” shit we’ve all been trying to do is why this still happens.

These people have power that they need to be stripped of. Others of their ilk need to know there are consequences, even in a post-Trump society.

I think doing what we can to make the worst stuff public at least helps at the margins to make it slightly less acceptable. It’s good to see that at least some people face consequences for saying disgusting things like that nowadays, even while a lot of others are getting away with it. It’s not like their replacements

It’s a forum to call them out and get them out of office. There’s actual action that can be had here for the better instead of letting them get away with it by keeping it local.

You don’t have to stay silent and you don’t have to sink to their level but you can learn to never ever give them the benefit of the doubt again. This election proved that ethnic solidarity, WHITE solidarity was the single issue they voted on. There’s no going back from that and there’s no forgiveness for that.

This makes it so hard to take the higher road. Stay true to my principles. Don’t lower myself to their level.