Thanks for reading, Ginger!
Thanks for reading, Ginger!
We’re ONE vote away from these days.
Ohhh what about giant rats?! It’s not a sewer run without giant rats.
I made a head injury joke because I know my audience, teamamericafuckyou.
Well, to be fair, appearing on that particular show is the only time Daddy will see Eric all week. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Poor kid, trying to get Dad’s attention the only way he knows how: by praising him on Fox News.
Cadet Bone Spurs is the early leader for burn of the year.
Shame on the know-nothings who still support the lying, cowardly Trump.
“i DoNt liKE wHAT otHER peOplE LIkE.”
I prefer to give women like this my attention.
I am one of the biggest Destiny stans out here. Dig into my comment history and you’ll see.
Eh, fuck his staff. They’ve chosen to work for a lying, trump-supporting piece of scum. They deserve whatever verbal abuse they get.
Silverpine Forest/Hillsbrad is worth it just for Johnny Awesome and his excellent Star Pony.
If Bannon rolls over on him, that’s the hope.
Does the long haul include a stint in prison for Jared?
Sustained harassment and hate propaganda are both offenses that can be tried in a criminal court.
Canada does have freedom of speech, not sure where you got the idea that we don’t.
I hope “Trump Golfing While Rome Burns” is a campaign ad that plays over and over.
If it were a real attack you know he would have just grabbed Ivanka and headed to the fallout shelter to repopulate the Earth.
Just shows you how closely wrestling and porn are linked.
I couldn’t shoehorn it into the post so: don’t give up, skeleton!