Amanda Harper

It’s about time. I hope this referendum passes, and I hope it carves as much space for women’s reproductive rights as it possibly can out of the existing law.

This is generational. Ireland pre-Catholic Church scandals of the 1990s had 90% church attendance every week; post-scandals, it is now <10%. There are centuries of intrenched ideology at work here, but things are changing pretty quickly.

That’s horrifying. I’m so sorry.

10 Things I Hate About You is a fun movie, but it’s not exactly Criterion Collection material

Not to worry. I’m sure that, being the humanitarian she is, Ivanka is at this moment using all her wealth, power and influence to mobilize an enormous aid effort for Puerto Rico and the hell with what her father wants.

Am I the only one who never kills the dogs in this game? The gangsters and palace guards deserve what they get when they start swinging their swords, but the poor puppers didn’t ask to become watchdogs.

Definitely price gouging. They’re literally asking for protection money (or a “warranty” as they call it).

I’m partial to “your song” myself. But otherwise, agree.

ICE is a rogue lawless organization that detains and deports up to 5,000 lawful residents and citizens per year:

That kid’s mom is gonna be pissed when she sees what he did to her table.

“Free” as in equal rights and treatment by the government and society. I understand that your idiocy would cause you to interpret that literally, so perhaps I’ll just let you off with a warning to not come for me. I have little desire to show mercy to a racist invading a space for my people and telling me to leave the

“Oh, sure, I’ll help you up. And by up I mean hold your head underwater.”

There might not be any logic to where the feces sprays, or who gets hit, but it is as just and logical as the indiscriminate killing of black men by law enforcement officers all across the country. It might not be fair, it might not solve the problem, but whenever a community of people finally decides to stand up to

actually... from where i sit over in europeland... we dont hate americas army.... we hate the fuckers that tell them where to go

To me 20 years ago was the 80's.

God fucking damn it, I hate everyone right now, it makes me feel old.

They’ve been playing with the time field, guess the TARDIS looks like a sub now.

I do hope they release a patch to change the game around so that you can solo all the content to see what it’s like. Just have the two options. Solo version with no gear drops and normal mode.

At this point, I’m offended by the concept of “Free Melania”. Not just from the standpoint of her having promulgated the birther theory on The View, but that bitch has never been free—she had a price tag on her ass from the start.