I have never experienced sexual abuse but I agree with every word you wrote.
I have never experienced sexual abuse but I agree with every word you wrote.
I’m so sorry for what you went through. I am also a survivor of abuse (although it wasn’t a member of my family, but the son of a family friend). I sincerely hope you’re wrong about the Cheeto-in-Chief, but I suspect you might be right. Hope you got the help you needed to be okay...it took me a long time to get…
I was chronic pain patient as well for a decade. Cracking down on opiodes is really scary for people who need those meds to live a bare semblance of a normal life. It is humiliating and frustrating getting your meds depending on the state regulations.
I for one am terrified that he will simply “stop”opium. As a chronic pain patient of many years, it is already humiliating and stressful to get and fill my low-level pain meds. I shudder to think what this moron’s “answer” might be...
I love you Veggietart ❤️, but I’m pretty sure this poster is trolling. {sigh}
A lot of poor people (who are usually black or brown) live in areas called food deserts, where most stores are convenience stores or little markets with few healthy options. When you can get a burger and fries for $3 but a salad is $7, it’s obvious they’ll go for the burger meal. Crap is cheap and healthy food not so…
He absolutely does. But bullet for bullet, his floor is higher than McCree or widowmaker. While their ceiling is higher.
Maybe they are just trying to capitalize on the “Millennials Need A Medal For Every Fucking Thing” complaint that they invented and are always complaining about.
That’s not actually true. The inspectors general are independent. The recommendations will probably be ignored, but it will probably be a fair investigation.
I’m starting to predict a Ceausescu style end to this administration.
“May calm, Guam-like heads prevail all around.”
Corporations are like children. They hate the rules and throw tantrums against mommy and daddy for trying to enforce them. But have no idea how to behave once mommy and daddy are eaten by wolves and there are no more rules.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Alex Jones, a desperately aroused yet socially inadequate dick, whom Trump listens a lot, makes this fool tweet about how Obama sent this hurricane to Texas with his chemtrail planes to stop MAGA.
Men entitlement is real and yes, maybe this is the first one.
Maybe she laughed at him?
Yeah, I think you underestimate the scope of this. Pence covered for Trump, Flynn, Manafort, Kushner, et al. He lied to the American people for them and as head of the transition team he put a known Kremlin operative in head of National Security. If he pardons Trump, he loses all credibility and support. Of which he…
It’s the difference between hot anger and cold hatred.
Trump is Jar Jar Binks after somehow given a spot in the Galactic Senate.
Hey Gita, now that NMS sucks a lot less and has a bunch more shit to do is there a Kotaku person working on a tips post?