Amanda Harper

What do they do to Keebler elfs who fail  in their mission to destroy a nation?

Leave the Daughter Fiddler in Chief where he is; but now slamming his toddler hands on the Resolute Desk in impotent rage. He’s not defanged, but his bite’s been blunted enough that your Republic might just stand after him.

If you’re pissing those people (and the GOPheads/tRUMPsters) off then you’re doing something right; keep doing it.

Positive political change is the slow boring of hardwood. Back sliding can, as the world has witnessed over the past 2 years, be frighteningly quick; positive change though takes time, partially because it needs to to settle in to be custom, and tradition.

Forward progress is not certain, but if you dig your heels in

The problem is to get there (in most western nations) you need money to get access to those houses.”

Yeah I got it before you decided to point it out.

The only way for that to happen (short of Madam Guillotine) is for the poor to get in to the houses of power. People who have experienced first hand the destruction that a plutarchic oligarchy causes. The problem is to get there (in most western nations) you need money to get access to those houses...yeah. But I am

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Outland was a GREAT fucking movie. Inspired a fucking great song too...

I think Bill Adama sums up my feelings on that idea...

Jorge this is the single most moving piece I’ve read here in a long time. I’m Irish, I come from a nation who emigrate. We did it in the 80's because our country was a black pit where any prospect of jobs was concerned. The 90's for much the same reason. And after the bankers of the world put our country in penury for

What the actual fuck?!

Umm, they do realise in the UK that V for Vendetta’s UK was meant to be a terrible warning, right? Because to this Irish girl it’s looking a lot like the people at the top (and the religious fucknuts) really want that world.

Life in Aggro was just wonderful. I can hear someone shouting “Sidekick!” in the background...yeah I like Sky High you gotta problem with that?!

Are you a prophet?

My only issue with romance in Dragon Age is not being able to romance Cassie as a woman because *bites lip* dat woman would complete me (as a Herald of Andraste).

Yep, they are but they’re not going to get that “perfect moment” sooner or later they’ll settle for close enough.

Oh no doubt, but there’s a core of cunning to that man; as much as I hate him he has grifted his way to the literal top. Let’s put it this way when my grandaunt had dementia in the beginning she became weirdly cunning, and this...well it rang bells.

I’m genuinely scared that this is the Reichstag Fire moment. The change from “him” to “whomever”...that was genuinely chilling.

Not if he had the last mouth on Earth and there were sheep...there’s still sheep, right?

I got to the end of The Missing and burst in to tears that just would not stop for hours. It brought back the last time I tried to kill myself, and how instead of not waking, I woke up with the mother of all hangovers, covered in my own puke, and pissed as fucking hell.

I’ll never know what my mind did while it was

If I had friendships like that I think I’d just admit we’re all shitty people, become a hermit, and never ever speak to anyone again.

My Dreamcast was stolen and flogged one Xmas by a ex-girlfriend while I was home with my family (along with my signet ring, a signed copy of each of the LoTR’s novels but that’s not what I’m bitching about right now...*deep breath* all before she skipped town. That machine was one of my great gaming loves, the first