edited ‘cause I’ve spent too much time today arguing and am not wasting any more time on this. You believe what you want to believe about what I meant; I mean what do I know, I only wrote it.
edited ‘cause I’ve spent too much time today arguing and am not wasting any more time on this. You believe what you want to believe about what I meant; I mean what do I know, I only wrote it.
What you see in those young people is a TINY number. Where are the rest? They’re working, or begging for work because they’re drowning in debt.
Good for your cousin; he’s an outlier as far as I can tell.
Did you bother to read what I posted? That’s pretty much what I said; people have more important things to spend their limit funds on.
Better question is why aren’t kids spending money on concerts anymore? Every kid I know is more in to music than I ever have been and I’m fucking crazy about music; but I don’t know a single one who has money to in their words “waste” on a concert. That avacado toast doesn’t buy itself.
My beagle smiles; then I end up covered in puke, piss and shit. My Winter doesn’t fuck around.
Yup try being trans in Ireland. 14 years of fighting to just have an orchie. FOURTEEN YEARS! Threatened with having my HRT denied for not being femme enough. Threatened with no surgery because, get this, I enjoy sex. Every tiny step dangled over my fucking head until my GP went apeshit and basically tore the fuckers a…
America’s “good Germans” moment come at last; and it makes me want to sing with just how many people no longer have any fucks to give.
tRUMP = Incompetently evil.
McConnel = Very competent and evil.
So what he’s saying is that he knew, and did nothing but stink palm a predator...
As White Cherry says below, are we sure? Would we know?
I think that’s been happening for 15 years; but they’ve got the way hipper, crazy cool sounding acronym, ICE...
The US has an advantage that Germany in the 1930's/40's lacked; information technology combined with digital social networking. There’s simply no way to effectively suppress knowledge, oh specifics yes, but the broad strokes not a chance. The majority of American people know that their leadership has become…
I agree, this seems from the outside to be America’s “Good Germans” moment; if the tRUMP regime lose this one they may be pushed permanently on to the back foot. If his regime wins this fight...it’s hard to see how America ever recovers from what they’ll be able, and emboldened do next; we have it from the horses ass…
As I have said before, I’ll bring the tinder and smores...maybe some tequila; it sounds like brown people drink it, he’ll fucking hate that.
I wish more neckbeards looked, and sounded like her. *Sigh & melt*
I always hear “Another One Bites the Dust” when I watch that gif; and I strongly approve of it.
For what it’s worth there are people all over the world praying to every sort of god that people like you win and never stop winning.
This is what I thought when I read this; the de-education of a nation...
I got the kindling and smores....