Amanda Harper

I tried a skewer through the ear but now I just taste sounds... ;-)

Goddesses damn it I can see a light at the end of the tunnel! I may turn out to be an oncoming train but it’s still a fucking light!

That was my precise reaction; though the cloud of smoke I left behind smelled slightly of gin and bad decisions.

Aaaaaaand now I’m going to have to drink a lot of gin starting right now.

I’m in Ireland and share many of your frustrations; all I’ve found to do is volunteer time and the skills I have that apply. I’ve ghost written emails and letters for less educated friends in the US for them to send to their representatives. Helped to make lists of phone numbers. Been a shoulder for those people I

Nope, I live in a country that doesn’t allow anyone who can walk and chew gum access to firearms. And I said nothing about guns, storming can be as simple as overwhelming by sheer numbers, if they’re pressed against a wall by body press they can’t do shit; and yes I know that from experience. We have our own problems

Is it maybe time for these places to be just stormed? Not ask for permission, just to bust in and find out what the fuck is really happening? And where in the hell the girls are.


For LiA that’s as straight forward as it gets.

Apologies, I made the connection between the fathers work and the abuse being related; which says tRUMPkin. I misread sorry.

Apologies, I made the connection between the fathers work and the abuse being related; which says tRUMPkin. I misread sorry.

Apologies, I made the connection between the fathers work and the abuse being related; which says tRUMPkin. I misread sorry.

It’s almost as if a party of monstrous bigotry and hate breeds hateful, monstrous people...

The queers are probably next...fuck I need a drink and it’s only 11am.

And even if he is removed there’s still Pence...do you imagine for a second that things won’t get worse under that prick with ears? Best thing they can do right now is utterly isolate tRUMP so he’s completely unable to do anything.

“Bottomless void down which every member of the human race who isn’t rich, white, and straight is tumbling....” It’s a bit wordy admittedly. Maybe just tRUMPerdinkian?

Hey! Thanks! I needed a new reason to excuse my drinking...and that thought is now my best back-up.

I was trying to be generous, and for once not obscene...but yeah I proably shouldn’t fucking do that. ;-)

I think for a long time your better angels at the least meant there was a balance point ye teetered on. But now...I had nightmares about that camp; mostly about it’s gate that had a sign hanging above it “El Trabajo te Libera” I mean how long until those children are turned in to a forced labour pool so they can