Amanda Harper

It’s a brutally upsetting movie to watch but it doesn’t have the same impact as the other three to me.

In my house we quote Watchmen, same effect. :-)

Ummm you’re welcome? ;-)

I watched RfaD once; once was enough. Now if someone suggests watching it I put on Trolls as punishment. And yeah that Bradbury story, never bothered me til I had step-grandkids; now...thanks, I guess I didn’t need to sleep tonight. ;-)

“The Road” basically one of my personal “Trilogy to slit your wrists to.” movies alongside Schindlers List and On the Beach.

This seems extremely suitable right this moment...

“Life is too short for bad whiskey, bad sex, and bad books.” my beloved girlfriend after she read this.

Good, I hope she cries herself to sleep every fucking night. She’s complicit in unleashing this shitstorm on the world, and I truly hope she lives long enough to experience every single fresh misery the knock on effects of her husbands presidency will be having on the whole fucking world for decades.

I’ve taught my nieces that if anyone touches them without their permission they kick, punch, claw, bite, and scream until the fucker runs away or someone helps.

I’ve also told the eldest that if anyone ever comes to it she lets me know and I’ll serve the jail time.

“It’s only missing the Siouxsie and the Banshees sticker.”

That’s some good taste right there.

No, I don’t forgive child rapists. They’re not deserving of it.

Hey I’m one of them liberal brethren and I’ve never had a problem with chaplains anywhere; hell the man who taught me to play chess and poker was a Dominican monk who happened to be chaplain of a Scout centre I volunteered in. I agree as long as they’re not writing legislation who cares?

And I say that as someone from

I doubt he can shake it properly after a piss without the help of a lobbyist.

How is this news?! Even here in Ireland in cities mostly you wear dark because cities are dirty, messy, rotten places.

Oh I’m not kidding myself. I’m fucking well aware that all the check and balances that keep the US semi-stabile are vanishing. On the other hand I am also aware that if the batshittery that’s going on the WH ever ends the whole world is potentially fucked. Bad vs Worst.

Be glad for it; if those clowns weren’t as distracted as they are by the palace intrigue they mght actually get something done.

Hmmm, that must be why the gutless wonder only drinks Coke and Russian urine; no damned newfangled rotary waterater to figure out.

*Sigh* I wish I hadn’t lost 50% of my Dragon mags to water damage a few years back. There were some inventively evil writers for that publication back in the day.

Oh gods I wish I could have played in that; it sounds fucking awesome! Kind of like a comedy duo in a game I played in where the Paladin would shout “I cast the Paladin Knock Spell!” And then knock on the door with the thiefs head.

Demonic Crotch Rot! is a real disease in my main campaign setting; it’s only ever contracted by invoking a god in one of three ways...

1: you invoked the wrong god.
2: you invoke the right god but they hate you.
3: both of the above.

So the party were getting their asses kicked by a Wolver; one of the supporters of