Amanda Harper

DVD 20 minutes ago, I put in the 9th disc of The West Wing. CD 3 hours ago in the car.

I have Netflix, but it’s far from anything like a complete repository; Masada...nope, Winds of War...nope, Buck Rogers (any version)...nope, Flash Gordon (any version)...nope.

They both have their place, and it’s not a hipster

Oh they know, they just don’t care; because in this case the pigs get to watch what they want to be.

OMG this is wonderful! I’m a huge RPG player, but fuck reading weapon stats, and lorebooks is a pain in the hole unless I’m sitting right up to the screen.

Sorry but she can’t get anymore openly racist than literally fucking nazi saluting tRUMP!

Only 4 times?! 3 nephews, 2 nieces...that movie is my time in Hell!

I had to switch to cheaper brands in the past few months, and let me tell you after developing a taste for good bourbon and gin the cheap stuff...BLEUCH! Impeach the piss loving prick already.

I take this as proof that raccoons are GOP members. Rabid, anti-fun...sounds very GOP to me.

All the stars in the sky for referencing my favourite war movie of all time.

All of the above, and removing himself from view as much as possible until he announces his run for the White House in the future.

Outsider amateur historian perspective; take for what it is an honest impression from the outside...

Retired my left ass cheek! This is just the next step in his road to the White House. Retire, stay out of sight for a while, then sweep in as the great GOP saviour when they’re finished with tRUMP.

Fuck I hope the Dems get their shit together or the entire world will continue to regret it.

Considering a good nights sleep for me is 3 hours, there is literally not enough caffeine in the known universe. I hope someday aliens will make contact and their “well hey there” gift will be something even better. Til that day espresso is my friend.

HEY! I start every day with 5 espresso’s in a mug!

Swap the Mountain Dew for Dr Pepper and that sounds heavenly.

As always...

This game is my new Eve Online. I’ll never play it (again in the case of Eve); but fuck if I don’t love hearing the stories.

There are not enough stars in the sky for that tweet.

Same problem here in Ireland; combined with the sheer bulk of members of government who own masses of housing refusing to do anything that might help people, but impact on their own wallets.

I’ve been hearing 5-10 years almost as long as I can remember. I’m ever hopeful for Fusion Day, but not that hopeful.

Never had that experience, well not exactly. Before I moved from my home city to be with my partner my old gaming group got together. The first half of the night was a one-shot role playing session with me GMing. The second half was going to be a full Diablo 2 co-op playthrough; I remember reaching Kurast, next thing